stoy asta la polla d......
todo esto
tanta gente falsa q va d subidon
Tanto drama inutil
encotrame mi cama fria y vacia
son ya demasiadas cosas
tener esperanza
I think i need some sort of motivation, need to meet people. So if you read this please say hi, that will make me happy.
i'm kind of pissed with the distribution. I'm looking for a new house and i think i found it, its right in front of my skatepark so it would be really cool to live there.
we are preparing a big...
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It's so fucking hard to write this things. I'm deperssed, i've been a few days sick, have been in bed all day, i need to go out to do something, i don't care i just need to move a little.
i feel i'm wasting my life. i need to go out and have a beer. saw a new bar that is really cool, and near...
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vaya, has demostrado lo contrario... alguien alguien si que lo lee
Everything Is much better now, It's cool staying at my mothers house with the dog, and working when i want- Thanks to mutiny bikes for supporting me and the team-(Almost Free new bikes).

Let's see how this week turn's out. Hopefully the weather will be cool, that means we can be all day out.

Tengo una Amiga!!! eeek

I should go to portimao (south of portugal)...
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I am glad u did it....just finish to watch a really beautifull movie....i am so busy those days i can't hardly watch a movie!!!.....this night i did it!!!.....soon i'll be more free again, so Ill write ofthen!!....I started again my work and I use the bicicle for moving around the town..I am sure u will like 'cause Rome is pretty dangerous...on a bike !!!..but I love it!!... kiss
Hola a t tambin!Yo an ando liada con todo esto,pero poco a poco veremos cmo funciona smile
I'm sick of everything. I've been traveling too much lately. I've met some really good people and some really stupid guys. I cant sleep, too many things in my head. why can't things be more simple. I have to escape from all this drama.

why are you ready this??

I have to start to work, too many things to do.

I don't know whats happening...
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ah, y que ni puti de lo de foro en espaol... creo que hay uno de latinas y otro de... preguntala a Ilsa, que yo llevo poco tiempo aqu
Hey!!.. blush ..happy u like my stuff...when u put pictures of yourself wet and almoust naked near your work, it's more cool when somebody notice them!!! eh!eh! wink ...I am trying to figure out for wich fu***ing reason they went out so little on the page!!!....
I love your favorite book too!!!!.... surreal ....and fear and loathing in LV..is great ..both of them !!!! ...
..let's became friend!!!..
hi, do you want 2 be my friend
How are things. I haven't talked to ya in a while, so I thought I'd say hello.
I'm sick of everything. I've been traveling too much lately. I've met some really good people and some really stupid guys. I cant sleep, too many things in my head. why can't things be more simple. I have to escape from all this drama.

why are you ready this??

I have to start to work, too many things to do.

I don't know whats happening with my life. probably im depressed.

My girlfriend has left me. i don't know why, she is crazy.

what you love the most you hate the most.

thanks for taking your time to read this but it really doesn't matter. I'm off to bed. I hope i can sleep a bit.

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