live is a bitch but I deal with it...........................
dime lo q sea q yo t respondo guapa.........................
m tengo q alejar d los bares, los jueves noxe son brutales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOOOh 'cmon!!!.....u are my friend why u have to think this stuff??....somentimes i disapperar 'cause i have lot of stuff going on...above all i can't stop to stay home...i am always going somewhere!!... tongue and i really thought u where in france!!! ...i am happy u like your new house!!...wow!!...send pictures!!!...show it!!!... wink .....i am happy 'cause those lines i wroted, are our firsth song with the girl's band!!.....waaaaaa!...i like it a lot!...sooo, u wanna see italy... well, i think that somebody like u, should really really see sardinia... come in the summer!..i'll be there with friends..it can be fun!!!..sardinia is not expensive and NOT fo turists..at least where i live....u need to know somebody from the place!....and it's so beautifull!!!...i'll look for some pictures for u!...i am so sleepy.. i came back really late last night, and now i have to go to my grandmom to pick up olives!!... kiss miao!!
hey!...i am not really in that stuff but i can ask if in cagliari there is something..i think so.....what are u going to do???..it is a competition???? miao!!
live is a bitch but I deal with it...........................
dime lo q sea q yo t respondo guapa.........................
m tengo q alejar d los bares, los jueves noxe son brutales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its been a really busy week, lots of work puke
in 10 hours i take a plane to new york smile but i'm only going to be 1 day frown i'll try to buy a ipod
maybe i go to rome in a few week??? who knows and on the 1 week of decembre we go to malaga for a competition. all the team is very excited with...
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Un gran fin de semana. desde el jueves borraxo perdido. el viernes empezo a yegar gente para la premier del video q resulto salir muy bien para todos los problemas q tuvimos. conseguimos resolver los incidentes invitando a la gente a muxos litros d bebidas alcoholicas(siempre funciona).
sabado y domingo lo pasamos bebiendo fumando y montando en bici. aunq fisicamente y mentalmente no eramos capazes....
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claro que si, pon fotos, pero no tuyas fumando porros, a ver si va a verlas alguien de la secreta puke
i really think this is useless, no you reads this or is intrested in writting anthing intresting.
got a new laptop computer, got internet on my new appartment,lots of news but no on is intrested. maybe theyare only intrested in themselfs.
por las noches, por el dia... yo siempre!!jojo
PLATAFORMA:diarios bilinges
hola a todos(no se si lo leera alguien)e tenido un finde muy extrao, ya me e quedado en mi piso nuevo despues d el pedo matutino del sabado. y hoy domingo me e pegado una buena ostia con la bici, tengo una ostia en la frente, rodilla y mano, apenas puedo andar y xixon d la ostia encima del ojo, me cago en dios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cut my hair, i have shorter than ever 1milimeter or so. and the best news is that i just rented a new apartment, i'm so happy, it's just in front of my skatepark so it doesn't take me 40 minuts to get there, just open the door im overthere, if someone whants to come you are invited and there is a lot of room to...
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u cutted your hair??????nNOooOooooo!!!.............ihih! surreal miao!!
guys are cool with longer hair!!.....not too long..... wink miao!!
Ok I am drunk as hell. It's beem a long night too much beer and whiskey, can't sleep. so i'm in front of the computer waiting 4 you. but you ignor me.
no problem. i will have a nother whiskey.
my friends have left, they can't handel all the party, i can.
fell lonly, i remember what is love, but you ignor me i'll have...
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ciao!...u know..i don't know how to send bigger pictures of my painting!!!....i wanted them bigger on my page too..but.....it makes me really happy to know that u like them!.. kiss ..i'll discover a way!....have fun in paris!!..when u'll come to rome?? miao!!

[Edited on Oct 10, 2004 3:43AM]
que va, lo hago mas por vosotros que por ella, que a ella la conozco de hace mil y no tiene que leerse un diario para saber de mi vida (que la confi ya da asco) jojo kiss
i need friends.....................

i feel lonly frown

do you want to be one?

quieres se mi amig@
...no, butreally...i have a life here jee!!....will love to go around the world just for fun!!....or probably not.. i like to stay here....to do,even, things that have more .....meaning!!!!!...boring uh? miao!!
Hla chiquito! tengo solo que decirte que una "festa" suicidegirls en un ano hasta bien y es tambien mucho para mi,y para mis cojones tambien!!!!!!ahah!! wink miao!!