<i'm druck as hell

please save me

i have lost my faith
please save me.

Bloode all over the place.

I wish you couldhelp me. please

I might be dead
Paraca has saved me
Long live281000

Eres ms borracho que yo, que ya es decir tongue
No es un resfriado, son unas anginas como una catedral frown Estoy con antibioticos, otra cosa para la fiebre (llevo todo el dia con 38), jarabe para la tos... blackeyed Me temo que si intentase curarme con zumo de limon morira en el intento.
Last update of the year.

Whent to the tattoo studio yesterday and booked on the 18 of march to get my upper arm tatood smile smile smile

don't have anything more to say. whatever

Hope 2005 is as good as 2004, or even better.

Cuidado con la uvas
no soy espaola! jajaj
I think I have found peace.
And i have done that alone.
I just got back from Madrid just before Christmas, and I swear it was so fucking cold. :[
i have to stay away from bars. and xmas has to end or I'll be all day in the bar. ARRR!!!
No puede ser, en nochebuena y sobrio!!!
La verdad es que mis ultimos tres aos han sido semisabaticos whatever
Uhhh tu no sabes que las cuentas de SG no se pueden compartir? confused
Pues nada, un saludito para tus colegas de mi parte xD tongue
Have you seen that video clip from air. song:all i need. it make me cry, but gives me hope.
Jeje es lo que tiene estar de vacaciones y tener insomnio, pero me voy ya a mimir ya tongue
Pues nada, psalo bien por Alicante! Yo a ver cuando vuelvo por ah a ver a mis amigas.
Aw que no lo le entero. Si, los teclados de los porttiles son una mierda, y deja el whisky para maana hombre!!!
Valencia es una ciudad muyyyy rara, fijo que no eres el nico que le pasan esas cosas xD
Lo de la fiesta no va a poder ser, porque ya no estudio ah, por esas fechas estar en casa con mis padres echndome la bronca y dicindome que busque trabajo o algo... whatever
Buenas noches! kiss
Crashed, i'm really hurt. probably go to hospital next week to get some x-rays skull but 1 i vave to finish all my work puke
Wuaw. Menuda semanita no e parado quieto ni un segundo. y no se como e acabado misteriosamente en el bar todos los dias.
Aunq el no tener jefe sta bien. t levantas cuando t da la ganas t tomas el tiempo q t apetezca pa comer, sacas la bici un buen rato y vuelves d noxe a terminar con las companias americanas. y pones el...
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Wow, almost a month since my last update. been so busy that couldn't update.
been at so many places that i can't remeber all of them. i'll post some pictures.
got more work to do frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown
Bueno no lo escrib yo, es un mensajito que me escribieron confused
No trabajes tanto que es malo!!! tongue
its been a really busy week, lots of work puke
in 10 hours i take a plane to new york smile but i'm only going to be 1 day frown i'll try to buy a ipod
maybe i go to rome in a few week??? who knows and on the 1 week of decembre we go to malaga for a competition. all the team is very excited with...
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Hey!..;are u coming to rome for a competition !!????..if it's so i wanna see u!...let me know!!..... miao!!
live is a bitch but I deal with it...........................
dime lo q sea q yo t respondo guapa.........................
m tengo q alejar d los bares, los jueves noxe son brutales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOOOh 'cmon!!!.....u are my friend why u have to think this stuff??....somentimes i disapperar 'cause i have lot of stuff going on...above all i can't stop to stay home...i am always going somewhere!!... tongue and i really thought u where in france!!! ...i am happy u like your new house!!...wow!!...send pictures!!!...show it!!!... wink .....i am happy 'cause those lines i wroted, are our firsth song with the girl's band!!.....waaaaaa!...i like it a lot!...sooo, u wanna see italy... well, i think that somebody like u, should really really see sardinia... come in the summer!..i'll be there with friends..it can be fun!!!..sardinia is not expensive and NOT fo turists..at least where i live....u need to know somebody from the place!....and it's so beautifull!!!...i'll look for some pictures for u!...i am so sleepy.. i came back really late last night, and now i have to go to my grandmom to pick up olives!!... kiss miao!!
hey!...i am not really in that stuff but i can ask if in cagliari there is something..i think so.....what are u going to do???..it is a competition???? miao!!
its been a really busy week, lots of work puke
in 10 hours i take a plane to new york smile but i'm only going to be 1 day frown i'll try to buy a ipod
maybe i go to rome in a few week??? who knows and on the 1 week of decembre we go to malaga for a competition. all the team is very excited with...
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live is a bitch but I deal with it...........................
dime lo q sea q yo t respondo guapa.........................
m tengo q alejar d los bares, los jueves noxe son brutales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!