i am hoping to drop 90-100lbs with some medical help. my weight has been up- & down all my life. major factor with that has been a lifetime of injuries on top of the same injuries. a few of them happened in new relationships. who wants to end a new beginning when it's just starting. so i gave them a chance. some ended as friends and others, better off walking away on both sides. just tired of jumping through hoops to reach the starting line. could use some mega tlc right now
Best of luck to you!! This is no easy feat and I applaud you for taking your health into your own hands. Keep us updated as to your progress.
I wish you the best and your future endeavors will be met. You have strength. Keep pushing it. Since War Cry, I have gained a lot but despite my loaded schedule I'm outdoors trying to shed and drop the extra pounds I packed on. No worries you will get through this. Embraces from the serpent woman.