do ya ever have a wave of sadness wash over you for no apparent reason? I guess I let a few thoguhts take over and it just snowballed. anywho...I want hugs and spooning.
I guess I'll have to settle for my kitties and pooches.
I just remembered a dream I had last night....
I was in a prison visiting my first true love, it was odd since his prison was more of an apartment building with lockdown. he had his own room, and all his own stuff. I went in and layed down on his bed and we held each other so tight, I cried and cried because I missed him so much.
(I was very young when I fell in love with him, and he was a skinny punk, he fucked up and got sent to jail, when he got out he was huge, all he did all day was lift weights. I remember seeing him when he'd gotten out and he took one look at me and said "you're fat" and walked away. years later he apoligized and we kept in touch, its been at least 12 years since I've heard from him) anyways he was very skinny in the dream, and young...almost as if he'd never aged. he had the most beautiful blue-green carribean sea water. even in my dream they were as vivid as I remember them all those years ago. there was more to the dream, conversation and what not, but its too weird and personal to post.
I guess I'll have to settle for my kitties and pooches.
I just remembered a dream I had last night....
I was in a prison visiting my first true love, it was odd since his prison was more of an apartment building with lockdown. he had his own room, and all his own stuff. I went in and layed down on his bed and we held each other so tight, I cried and cried because I missed him so much.
(I was very young when I fell in love with him, and he was a skinny punk, he fucked up and got sent to jail, when he got out he was huge, all he did all day was lift weights. I remember seeing him when he'd gotten out and he took one look at me and said "you're fat" and walked away. years later he apoligized and we kept in touch, its been at least 12 years since I've heard from him) anyways he was very skinny in the dream, and young...almost as if he'd never aged. he had the most beautiful blue-green carribean sea water. even in my dream they were as vivid as I remember them all those years ago. there was more to the dream, conversation and what not, but its too weird and personal to post.
he sounds like an asshole to me but i know how hard it is to let go of the memories of a person like that.