So this is one of my infamous Myspace blogs from a year ago. I use my blogs primarily as a torturing device for my ex! (cheating bastard!)
i'm reposting it here by special request, so here ya go..enjoy...
Saturday, August 27, 2005
ranting of the day
Current mood: discontent
So i had a less than memorable night with the ex! I felt the need to exorcise my demons and get some closure aka "a stupid ass idea aquired after too much wine". Needless to say...despite much conversation, very little has changed. What brought on such insanity?
Kitty Definition: the act of mesmorizing one's lover via penile persuasion resulting in various forms of bizarre & uncharacteristic behavior ranging from chronic lack of common sense to temporary mental retardation.
The affect of "Dickmatizion" over a couple of years can be devastating, We've all been there at some point...... In a relationship with a psuedo-asshole who inspires the words "
FUCK YOU" on an hourly basis, but is so amazing in bed, you put up with the shit for yet another day.
cookies in lingerie and stilettos for your unemployed boyfriend after YOUR hard day of work.......yes,you're DICKMATIZED!......
his favorite meal in a lace teddy while simultaneously doing his laundry & tax return....DICKMATIZED!!
Awkward fetishes and/or positions that made you question his sexual orientation...not to mention mental stability......totally DICKMATIZED! 
Stop denying it and put that anal probe down, you REALLY DON"T like it! and put down that cookie sheet Betty Crocker since you can barely toast bread let alone bake an edible treat safe for consumption & put an end to the madness! Sex is a wonderful thing ladies & gents, but since when do we compromise away our happiness and self glorification for the worship of a 7" appendage ? We shouldn't, we aren't, and we never will again! Although it's natural to relapse from time to time, we have to maintain our composure. Prescription:Take a glass of wine, buy a Silver Bullet vibrator, and call me in the morning!
i'm reposting it here by special request, so here ya go..enjoy...
Saturday, August 27, 2005
ranting of the day
Current mood: discontent
So i had a less than memorable night with the ex! I felt the need to exorcise my demons and get some closure aka "a stupid ass idea aquired after too much wine". Needless to say...despite much conversation, very little has changed. What brought on such insanity?
Kitty Definition: the act of mesmorizing one's lover via penile persuasion resulting in various forms of bizarre & uncharacteristic behavior ranging from chronic lack of common sense to temporary mental retardation.
The affect of "Dickmatizion" over a couple of years can be devastating, We've all been there at some point...... In a relationship with a psuedo-asshole who inspires the words "

Stop denying it and put that anal probe down, you REALLY DON"T like it! and put down that cookie sheet Betty Crocker since you can barely toast bread let alone bake an edible treat safe for consumption & put an end to the madness! Sex is a wonderful thing ladies & gents, but since when do we compromise away our happiness and self glorification for the worship of a 7" appendage ? We shouldn't, we aren't, and we never will again! Although it's natural to relapse from time to time, we have to maintain our composure. Prescription:Take a glass of wine, buy a Silver Bullet vibrator, and call me in the morning!

hmm this is the first journal of yours Ive ever read... and I have to say I really like you!