Yeah, i'm a twisted, funny little broad.....i make jokes, laugh a little, and do my best to keep everyone happy. Despite all this, i still find posts like the one below from an SG hating photographer (who is obviously a member as well since he reads my SG posts) who mentions "COMPLAINTS ABOUT MY ATTITUDE"...which i haven't heard or seen, but i guess i'm not looking hard enough...Maybe i should talk to his FRIEND at SG and find out

Anywho, i'll refrain from OFFENDING anyone else w/ MY ATTITUDE and just be some drone in the office looking for lost sets and setting up shoots.....

Chris Beyond Photography
Posted: Oct 12, 2006 9:49 AM
Kinda like Scientology. No, no!! Don't listen to all these people who have been in Suicide Girls or connected in some way... Listen to us! Us! US!!!!!!! Don't make us censor or shun you! If you act up too much we'll sell your pictures to a porn site that talks about how sweet your vagina is.
I WILL give this person credit for one thing though. Even though people are starting to complain about her attitude on SG, She recently posted on SG that she is tired of seeing all the gynecological shots and shots coming in featuring the model posing with a guy's penis. That's what happens when you start asking for photos from just anyone.
One of my friends there thinks that maybe they shouldn't let people model right away, instead force them to be a member for at least a couple or few months so that they understand what the site is looking for.
Send out the Fucking Naked Ninja's. That straightned Me Out!1 haha. YOu rule!!
hey, i emailed you a week or so ago....did you happen to recieve it??