Hey guys, i've decided to cancel my account cause i dont have the time to come on and take advantage of the site. But keep in contact. My aim is toniccereal, talke to me anytime.
Whats up all, havent talked to you all in such a long time, but im going to find the time to kick it. Also Check it, I added some b&w self portraits in my pics, i formated them to 6x6 so check them and tell me what you think. I also posted a few piercings from a flesh suspension i photographed.
yeah thats no problem. if there's a particular style you're looking for, colours, content, it will be easier for me to design something if i already know what to start with. or i can whip up a few samples and let you choose from them.
Damn, i've been so busy lately. work, school, my son. I even had to cancel a photoshoot with vennesa. I hate it i dont get enough time to shoot more. I love photography. I've got so many good ideas, with so little time. It can get so depressing.
Oy vey. Work honestly sucks. I had this mad rant the other night because I was about to lose my mind. Sometimes I hate being an emotional girl. Unfortunately, I have reason enough to be my "fragile" self for many moons to come. Anyhow, I'll shut up about that.
There really aren't enough hours in the day. I hope I can see more of your work soon, it's really great. I tell you this all the time, though.
Take care and my apologies for the lagging responses (again)
I posted several new photos to my group.. all are crossprocessed, It took me a while but i got my 35mm scanner to work. If you notice some of the pics are very similar in subject and area, but come out in different color.. it rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As artists, we are our own worst critics. If we didn't see the flaws in the work we create we wouldn't strive to do better. So, it all works out for the best. At least, in theory.
I'm looking for a room mate, I can't seem to find a responsable one.. anyone looking to move up here to scottsdale for maybe 4 months... i need someone.
375 a month
split all bills
only four months cause after 4 months im moving into a town home (which ill need 2 room mates)
Have you ever had a friend ask you to lie... No matter how big or small that lie maybe, it's still tuff.. and doesnt get you anywhere... I agreed to the lie, and it didn't help, and just made me feel bad. I hate to lie, and i will not do it again.
There is a time and a place for everything, even the occasional lie, I stand behind my own actions, but if other people choose not to, I'll help them out.
THIS IS CRAZY!!! i acctually have my first online crush..
i mean i've thought alot of women were hot, but this one is hot, sexy, smart, and artistic... Damn, to bad she lives in a completly other state.. i guess i have to deal with it
Yeah so anyways... I've been sitting at home, wishing i could join my Sgers at a party tonight, but... Read More
See, here's my problem,
I am a very happy person. I enjoy life, in alls its glory and difficulty. But what i can't stand are people who try to destroy it. people who try to make me unhappy. There is only one person who is destroying my happiness... I have finally done it.. come to my witts end on trying the friendship game.. I blocked... Read More
My life is a bucket of nails
I dig, dig, n dig
All i find is blood
I scavenge to find hope
and all i see is dispare
I created this
I can make it....
Damn I got some good photos at the flesh suspension.. it rocked. I'm printing them and can't wait till i get the set finished... they all really prtray the feeling of gut renching... i love it.... I can't wait to present them... Life is great.. now all i need is to find the one to share it with... I will find her... Read More
take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re- examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever... Read More
we need to go out soon. you really know how to cheer me up.
i miss you, it hurts.