my sg coffee table book arrived !! yay! im so totally in love with it i cant even begin to describe, it looks so prettiful on my table too!
on other news, i have been glued to the tv watching the news on the tsunami that has hit asia, at first i was in disbelief, and i was thinking "oh right! as if waves could get that big and sweep away everything" i didnt think it was possible (little ignorant me) after seeing the day after tomorrow i was like pft, the news has special effects, but as the death toll piled up i was quick to realise that it was reality, yes im slow ok. This has m ade me really depressed, as it could have possibly happened in australia, and we so take things for granted every day that we live in the lucky country and we just assume we are all safe, if its not terrorists its massive natural disasters, the world is a fucking shocking place and right now im fucking ashamed to be human.
They had some new footage of the waves, and let me tell you boy they were huge, i couldnt believe it, as you can read i still cant. I am not religious but I will be sending out a pray for all those people in those countries that are going through the devasation as we speak, I just hope everyone in the world willc ome together and find a way to bring some hope into the lives of the people affected by this and we should all support them in whatever way we can. Personally I will be donating some of my easy earned money to world vision, im pretty broke so i will donate what i can, hopefully you guys will too, im not preaching that I think you should but for me, its the right thing to do.
anyway, I think i aim done on my little rant now , i figured i should write a little dedication on here to the victims, so even though they may not read it, its just for me to know that I am thinking about them and hope all will be right soon.
<spread it.
on other news, i have been glued to the tv watching the news on the tsunami that has hit asia, at first i was in disbelief, and i was thinking "oh right! as if waves could get that big and sweep away everything" i didnt think it was possible (little ignorant me) after seeing the day after tomorrow i was like pft, the news has special effects, but as the death toll piled up i was quick to realise that it was reality, yes im slow ok. This has m ade me really depressed, as it could have possibly happened in australia, and we so take things for granted every day that we live in the lucky country and we just assume we are all safe, if its not terrorists its massive natural disasters, the world is a fucking shocking place and right now im fucking ashamed to be human.
They had some new footage of the waves, and let me tell you boy they were huge, i couldnt believe it, as you can read i still cant. I am not religious but I will be sending out a pray for all those people in those countries that are going through the devasation as we speak, I just hope everyone in the world willc ome together and find a way to bring some hope into the lives of the people affected by this and we should all support them in whatever way we can. Personally I will be donating some of my easy earned money to world vision, im pretty broke so i will donate what i can, hopefully you guys will too, im not preaching that I think you should but for me, its the right thing to do.
anyway, I think i aim done on my little rant now , i figured i should write a little dedication on here to the victims, so even though they may not read it, its just for me to know that I am thinking about them and hope all will be right soon.

I'll spread the