k, ive run out of pot, so if anyonne knows a good pot dealer in the south australia/adelaide area hook me up!...also , i have a problem, this on line bitch has been giving me grief and calling me a slut etc for having naked pics of myself on line, shes been tormenting me for 3 years now because she has no life and all she does is sit o line all day and throw old insults at me, i want someone to kill her pc for me , that would be the best xmas present ever haha, i try not to let it bug me but fucken hell enoughs enough..she needs to fuckin grow up and act like a 23 year old not 2 years olds..ill pay for someone to kill her pc!!
hmm...maybe i should start a hitman business for computers...hmm...anywho...thanks so much for the comment oh so long ago on my set...
xox dusty

I'll try and fly some over, the nullabor is more of a weekend treck!