well i ended up going to my high school renunion heh, iwas so nervous about going, its funny why that is, ig uess because when i left school i wiped that side of my life clean because i hated it there and i wanted to just move on and fuck all them nasty girls (not literally) anyway so i got there, and it was weird to see them everyone looks so different, i had trouble remembering them haha, it was weird to because at this thing i ended up hanging out with the people i used to hang out with and not mix with the others,a nd everyone sort of stuck to their cliques in the end though, i did manage to tell a few of them what i thought about them in high school heh, so that was pretty good, i only did it cos i was drunk lol, free wine does that to you! by the end of it i was so bloody drunk, i couldnt even see straight i ended up leaving my car at the bar where i parked and my friend drove me home..but in the end...man i really dont want to go to another one of those things! hopefully ill beo ut of the country when the 20 year one comes along!

What work and socialisin you been doin?
Maybe someone you know beat the internet.
could happen.