Today is the day, all scenes and music are in.
I will choose the winner and post it by the end of the day.
So read up, cause after tomorrow I am going back to the good old journal. Oh how I miss it.
She stepped onto the cold dark streets, the flame of
the street lamps causing eerie shadows to stretch all
around her. She didn't fear the rumors of a murderer
roaming the streets of Boston, and no one would miss
the dark haired orphan girl should her body turn up in
the same manner as the others. She knew her
destination and briskly moved there, stalking through
alley ways that she knew well, and at one point called
She let herself in the back door of Mr. Tiernnen's
shop and followed the noise he created to his office.
Her movement startled the elderly man and he jumped at
his desk, growling when he saw the small girl.
"What are you doing here? Don't you know there's a
murderer running about?"
"I do." She smiled innocently and bounced towards the
edge of his desk, just tall enough to peer over the
top of it.
"Go home. Oh, that's right, you're the orphan." He
then paused thoughtfully, "I thought Ms. Warren was
watching after you? "
"She is. But I'd like to speak to you."
"Go on, make it quick, I have shoes to repair."
The little girl grit her teeth in disgust as she
watched him. He wasn't a good man, he didn't even look
at her as he spoke.
"My friend Victoria told me, that her mother told her
that she saw you beating up Twinkle with a broom."
"Twinkle?" The old man did look up now, his overgrown
eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "That fat tom cat that
keeps leaving his catches on my front steps? Yes I
did, they need to keep that thing tethered, my
customers do not appreciated having to walk over the
bodies of rats when entering my shop."
Sadness touched her voice as she tried to appeal to
the old man. "He's only leaving you presents."
"Some present, he's driving my business away. And if I
ever catch him he'll get far worse then a beating with
a broom," he said threateningly, cold gray eyes
burning into hers for a moment before returning to his
She wasn't frightened, she expected this from him and
the smallest of blades slide free of the rags that her
hands had been wrapped in.
The old man payed her no mind as she circled around
him. "Why are you so mean?"
"I'm old.. I've no reason to be nice. Now get home
before the murderer catches you." He said without
looking up. The girl paused just to the left of him,
quietly watching, calculating. She could see the rush
of blood below aged skin, the coloring of his arteries
not hard to pick out. She focused on its movement,
pinpointing it. Just as he became curious of her
silence and glaring dark gaze, those cold pools of
gray finally glancing to her from the corner of his
eye, she jerked forward. The blade was thrust into his
throat, and pulled to the side. She expertly avoided
the spray of blood and his flailing arms, stepping
away as he fell backwards on his stool.
She watched as he struggled with the pooling blood,
but he was old, she knew he wouldn't overcome it. His
eyes glazed over and she paused to wipe the blade
against his shoulder before finding her way out the
back of the shop again, fat flakes of snow just
beginning their descent.
Joel McNeely & The Royal Scottish National
Orchestra - Th Hunt
The Scene - A group of old school hippies from the 60-70's are
gathered together to smoke the biggest bong ever built. When try to
unleash their greatest creation, it comes up missing, furthermore
entailing that it was "stolen". The hippies go nuts and start walking
around town like they're their own ban of Mafia. They smell the aroma
of their precious cheba coming from somewhere the west of town, they
follow the trial to a bunch of 18 year old frat boys smoking it up at
a party. The hippies (who are all about peace and love) go fucking
nuts on the college kids and lay the smack down. After everything is
said and done, heads are torn off, blood everywhere, the hippies
realize that they could have all shared the weed and everything would
have been cool. at this thought they all hop onto the bong and have
a good smoke.
5th Dimension - Age of Aquarius
"You can't do this to me!" Yells the man.
"We've done it, now don't make this any more difficult
than it has to be. Just pack up your things and don't
make a scene. Be happy you're getting severance at
all." Replies a distinguished looked man behind a
large desk in what appears to be a corner office of a
city high rise.
"I landed your biggest accounts and now you push me
aside for your worthless son-in-law? I won't let this
As those words leave the young man's lips he angrily
turns and walks out of the office. We he reaches his
own office he is greeted by two rather large security
"Let's just go quietly Mr. Johnson. We don't want any
The young man packs up his things into an average size
cardboard box, throws his covered cup of coffee on the
top and heads down the hall.
He walks past a row of cubicles, saying his goodbyes
to friends and coworkers. He stops to say a farewell
to the janitor, Walt.
"I'll see you around Walt." He says.
"I just mopped and waxed the floor for the elevators.
Don't ruin them with your soiled feet." says Walt.
"I'll take the stairs."
As the man reaches the newly cleaned hallway he makes
his way to the steps.
"Where are you going?" Asks one of the guards.
"I'm taking the stairs" he irritatedly replies.
"Oh no. We're taking the elevator." The man says as
he reaches to grab Mr. Johnson by the shoulder. As he
does this, the young man reels back in anger and
spills his coffee all over the pristine surface below.
"My floor!" Yells Walt.
The young man ignores the outburst, picks up his
broken cup and proceeds with the guards to the
elevator doors.
"Son of a bitch" mutters Walt as he goes to repeat
his floor cleaning duties.
(Cue music)
You see the young man at his apartment rifling through
some papers on his desk. He finds a folder and holds
it above his head like a trophy. With his phone
immediately in hand he is on the line with a person
that looks to be his lawyer.
At a downtown street corner you see the young man come
around from behind a building with papers in hand and
his lawyer following close behind. You see on their
horizon stands a very familiar city high rise.
They reach the curb across the street from the large
structure, turn to each and nod, then begin to cross.
The lawyer drops his briefcase and bends down to pick
it up. The young man, with his eye to the doors in
front of him, does not see his lawyer stop.
As the man reaches the middle of the street he is ran
down by a large pick up truck. The truck does not
stop and leaves the man's broken frame lying on the
(End Music)
The lawyer runs to his clients aid, too late to help.
A large pick up truck enters a building garage. It's
front bumper is damaged and has what can only be
considered blood on it. The truck pulls into a empty
space. The engine is turned off and an old man in a
janitor outfit emerges from the driver's side door.
He goes into a service entrance.
As the door closes he mutters to himself, "Son of a
bitch. I spent two hours cleaning that floor.
That'll teach you."
Europe - "The Final Countdown"
A young man looks in through a restaurant window at a beautiful couple with intense longing. He stalks them home where he enters through the backyard and makes some bad noise killing the family dog. The husband opens the door and calls to the dog but seeing the gate open thinks it loosed and doesn't turn on the patio light. Pressed up against the wall in the darkness is the young man holding a long dissectionist's knife an inch away from his head. He watches the couple leave and sneaks inside the house finding a sheet to wrap the mutilated remains of their pet. He hauls the carcass inside minding the marble floor. At the top of the stairs he finds a closet to put the body in but just as he does the couple return and he is forced inside with the carcass. He hears them make phone calls and then go back to their evening. Drinking, music, and finally up to bed. He peeks through the crack in the door and watches them and feels nothing but rage and regret. He hides back in the closet and listens as the wife draws a bath and the husband goes downstairs. As the husband returns he surprises him at the top of the stairs and springs from the closet to slash his throat. His glass of milk breaks on the stairs and after clinging desperately to the handrail he soon follows. Marvelling at the destructive beauty of gravity he descends to collect his prize, putting the nose in a specimen jar. Taking his time and minding the blood on the way up he hears the wife singing and speaking to him and as he enters she blindly grasps and holds him. "I love you", she says taking him completely off guard, he holds her back and begins to cry. She looks up asking him "What's the matter?" and screams to find a thing covered in her husband's blood. Feeling the all too familiar fragmentations of his heart he flies into a fury slashing and chasing her into the bathroom where he destroys the door and tackles her into the tub. Screaming, laughing, crying, he slashes her to ribbons. Her eyes stay beautiful even after she's dead but fixed forever with a horrible sadness. Holding her mutilated, lifeless body in a bathtub of her blood he weeps himself to sleep. Waking up at sunrise from a dream this his life had returned to normal the grim meathook realities set in and he ponders traumatized while burning himself with a candle. There is one thing left to do before cleaning the whole mess and kissing her he looks into her eyes one last time before carving them from her head. Leaving their house he walks home watching the rising sun and knows he is damned for what he's stolen. A love and beauty so pure as not to be found anywhere else. And a smile crept to his face. What bliss!
Beethoven - Allegretto
Dexter grins, crouches, and pulls a pair of short, straight swords from
sccabards belted at each hip.
Sinister wrinkles her lip and draws a long, thick rapier with a double
ring hilt. Her right hand already holds a poniard, single ring hilt, as
long as her forearm.
Dexter wastes no time. He leans into the first stride, his body tilted
forward at an unlikely angle as he leaps inside the guard of his enemy.
His right hand snakes around for a wrap shot on Sinister's knee, his
left curves up and over to strike for Sinister's shoulder.
Sinister's rapier intercepts the sword flying for her shoulder and a
swift motion pulls his knee out of the line of Dexter's strike. A the
foot falls as Dexter's sword curves through the space where it had been
and with uncanny grace. Her poniard is interposed neatly between two of
Dexter's ribs. A gout of red blood exits from the back of Dexter's vest.
Dexter coughs, once, shudders, and pulls himself off the blade,
standing as though stunned, swords at each side.
Sinister takes a step back and lowers her rapier, holding the poniard
across her body at the height of her navel.
Dexter lunges forward, dropping his short swords and drawing a pair of
daggers from his belt.
Sinister neatly slits his throat. She makes to dodge his strike.
Dexter moves too quickly. He embraces Sinister and his blades enter her
lungs and her heart.
Sinister coughs phlegm and blood. She collapses, draggin Dexter to the
ground with her. Dexter makes a half hearted effort to raise himself on
his arms but falls. His leg twitches briefly, and his voice can be
heard as a bubbling rasp. Fade to black.
Lake of Fire - Refrain
[Q music]....drops the bottle of pills and subtly lays back onto the bed. finally, feelings that he has not felt in years, come rushing back into his cold body. the pressures can all at once be released, with a simple gulp of water to wash down the pills. witness to the final moments of bliss, which Matt has been dreaming of for years.
Tom Waits Innocent when you Dream
She walked up to the bed.
"It's finally come down to it" she thought.
Her mother had made her promise that if she ever got this bad, she would end
it for her. She didn't want to exist and suffer for years. She had her
responsibilities. They were too poor for anything fancy, and her mother
always hated Doctors anyway. Better to keep things in house.
Stephanie bent down, kissed her sweaty forehead goodbye, smoothed her
hair off her face, and held the pillow in place. It didn't take very long.
She was weak. She barely struggled. Stephanie didn't cry.
Dance of the dead Children.mp3
[Cue Music] Iris out on our hero, Jimmy sitting at the cafe. Jimmy gets a call. Informs him the whereabouts of Steve 'the fish.' We follow Jimmy down the street to his 1974 white Caddy. Jimmy is pissed he has to drive down to Brooklyn, but understands his job. Being 'made' last week comes with certain obligations. Jimmy picks up Anthony on his way. They know 'The Fish' is hold up at Molly's pub on Flastbush just past Foster Ave. In the righteous leather gear of the day complete with white loafers, Jimmy and Tony walk in unknown in the neighborhood pub. They strike up conversation with the locals to figure out who 'The Fish' is. They find out and strike up a game of pool with him. Jimmy is winning, but soon tires of the game and decides to just bitch hit Steve with the pool cue. One fucking crack, and boom on the floor. Tony proceeds to drive his pool cue directly into the fat gut of 'The Fish' spewing blood everywhere. Job done.---------------the music underscores the whole quick and edit style scene.
Trouble Man.mp3
Scene of an intelligent, sculpted man, and a beautiful, slender woman
meeting in the open and proceeding to melt into a scene of them in a
bedroom with a luxurious bed witha canopy. The only sound is the music in
the background. Sensual, slow kissing which turns into making love.
The man pulls out a knife and proceeds to silently slice the throat of
the woman. After she has finished her death throws, he gently strokes
her face and walks away.
Jeff was standing outside of his place on the corner of 110th St. Here was my opportunity to get the money he owed me. I pulled up in my 1972 Dodge Challanger [Mopar Purple] and proceeded to ask Jeff if he had the five large.
Jeff's reply was, "Fuck off, E!"
He started off running down the street. (cue music) I sit for a split second......punch the gas (burning some major 'rubber') running over the little fucker over with 420 horsepower. Bounce out and rifle through this douche bags shitty ass pockets. 250 bucks doesn't quite cover my lose, but the pool of blood seeping from his head sure settles my nerves.
You can get it if you really want it.mp3
I will choose the winner and post it by the end of the day.
So read up, cause after tomorrow I am going back to the good old journal. Oh how I miss it.
She stepped onto the cold dark streets, the flame of
the street lamps causing eerie shadows to stretch all
around her. She didn't fear the rumors of a murderer
roaming the streets of Boston, and no one would miss
the dark haired orphan girl should her body turn up in
the same manner as the others. She knew her
destination and briskly moved there, stalking through
alley ways that she knew well, and at one point called
She let herself in the back door of Mr. Tiernnen's
shop and followed the noise he created to his office.
Her movement startled the elderly man and he jumped at
his desk, growling when he saw the small girl.
"What are you doing here? Don't you know there's a
murderer running about?"
"I do." She smiled innocently and bounced towards the
edge of his desk, just tall enough to peer over the
top of it.
"Go home. Oh, that's right, you're the orphan." He
then paused thoughtfully, "I thought Ms. Warren was
watching after you? "
"She is. But I'd like to speak to you."
"Go on, make it quick, I have shoes to repair."
The little girl grit her teeth in disgust as she
watched him. He wasn't a good man, he didn't even look
at her as he spoke.
"My friend Victoria told me, that her mother told her
that she saw you beating up Twinkle with a broom."
"Twinkle?" The old man did look up now, his overgrown
eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "That fat tom cat that
keeps leaving his catches on my front steps? Yes I
did, they need to keep that thing tethered, my
customers do not appreciated having to walk over the
bodies of rats when entering my shop."
Sadness touched her voice as she tried to appeal to
the old man. "He's only leaving you presents."
"Some present, he's driving my business away. And if I
ever catch him he'll get far worse then a beating with
a broom," he said threateningly, cold gray eyes
burning into hers for a moment before returning to his
She wasn't frightened, she expected this from him and
the smallest of blades slide free of the rags that her
hands had been wrapped in.
The old man payed her no mind as she circled around
him. "Why are you so mean?"
"I'm old.. I've no reason to be nice. Now get home
before the murderer catches you." He said without
looking up. The girl paused just to the left of him,
quietly watching, calculating. She could see the rush
of blood below aged skin, the coloring of his arteries
not hard to pick out. She focused on its movement,
pinpointing it. Just as he became curious of her
silence and glaring dark gaze, those cold pools of
gray finally glancing to her from the corner of his
eye, she jerked forward. The blade was thrust into his
throat, and pulled to the side. She expertly avoided
the spray of blood and his flailing arms, stepping
away as he fell backwards on his stool.
She watched as he struggled with the pooling blood,
but he was old, she knew he wouldn't overcome it. His
eyes glazed over and she paused to wipe the blade
against his shoulder before finding her way out the
back of the shop again, fat flakes of snow just
beginning their descent.
Joel McNeely & The Royal Scottish National
Orchestra - Th Hunt
The Scene - A group of old school hippies from the 60-70's are
gathered together to smoke the biggest bong ever built. When try to
unleash their greatest creation, it comes up missing, furthermore
entailing that it was "stolen". The hippies go nuts and start walking
around town like they're their own ban of Mafia. They smell the aroma
of their precious cheba coming from somewhere the west of town, they
follow the trial to a bunch of 18 year old frat boys smoking it up at
a party. The hippies (who are all about peace and love) go fucking
nuts on the college kids and lay the smack down. After everything is
said and done, heads are torn off, blood everywhere, the hippies
realize that they could have all shared the weed and everything would
have been cool. at this thought they all hop onto the bong and have
a good smoke.
5th Dimension - Age of Aquarius
"You can't do this to me!" Yells the man.
"We've done it, now don't make this any more difficult
than it has to be. Just pack up your things and don't
make a scene. Be happy you're getting severance at
all." Replies a distinguished looked man behind a
large desk in what appears to be a corner office of a
city high rise.
"I landed your biggest accounts and now you push me
aside for your worthless son-in-law? I won't let this
As those words leave the young man's lips he angrily
turns and walks out of the office. We he reaches his
own office he is greeted by two rather large security
"Let's just go quietly Mr. Johnson. We don't want any
The young man packs up his things into an average size
cardboard box, throws his covered cup of coffee on the
top and heads down the hall.
He walks past a row of cubicles, saying his goodbyes
to friends and coworkers. He stops to say a farewell
to the janitor, Walt.
"I'll see you around Walt." He says.
"I just mopped and waxed the floor for the elevators.
Don't ruin them with your soiled feet." says Walt.
"I'll take the stairs."
As the man reaches the newly cleaned hallway he makes
his way to the steps.
"Where are you going?" Asks one of the guards.
"I'm taking the stairs" he irritatedly replies.
"Oh no. We're taking the elevator." The man says as
he reaches to grab Mr. Johnson by the shoulder. As he
does this, the young man reels back in anger and
spills his coffee all over the pristine surface below.
"My floor!" Yells Walt.
The young man ignores the outburst, picks up his
broken cup and proceeds with the guards to the
elevator doors.
"Son of a bitch" mutters Walt as he goes to repeat
his floor cleaning duties.
(Cue music)
You see the young man at his apartment rifling through
some papers on his desk. He finds a folder and holds
it above his head like a trophy. With his phone
immediately in hand he is on the line with a person
that looks to be his lawyer.
At a downtown street corner you see the young man come
around from behind a building with papers in hand and
his lawyer following close behind. You see on their
horizon stands a very familiar city high rise.
They reach the curb across the street from the large
structure, turn to each and nod, then begin to cross.
The lawyer drops his briefcase and bends down to pick
it up. The young man, with his eye to the doors in
front of him, does not see his lawyer stop.
As the man reaches the middle of the street he is ran
down by a large pick up truck. The truck does not
stop and leaves the man's broken frame lying on the
(End Music)
The lawyer runs to his clients aid, too late to help.
A large pick up truck enters a building garage. It's
front bumper is damaged and has what can only be
considered blood on it. The truck pulls into a empty
space. The engine is turned off and an old man in a
janitor outfit emerges from the driver's side door.
He goes into a service entrance.
As the door closes he mutters to himself, "Son of a
bitch. I spent two hours cleaning that floor.
That'll teach you."
Europe - "The Final Countdown"
A young man looks in through a restaurant window at a beautiful couple with intense longing. He stalks them home where he enters through the backyard and makes some bad noise killing the family dog. The husband opens the door and calls to the dog but seeing the gate open thinks it loosed and doesn't turn on the patio light. Pressed up against the wall in the darkness is the young man holding a long dissectionist's knife an inch away from his head. He watches the couple leave and sneaks inside the house finding a sheet to wrap the mutilated remains of their pet. He hauls the carcass inside minding the marble floor. At the top of the stairs he finds a closet to put the body in but just as he does the couple return and he is forced inside with the carcass. He hears them make phone calls and then go back to their evening. Drinking, music, and finally up to bed. He peeks through the crack in the door and watches them and feels nothing but rage and regret. He hides back in the closet and listens as the wife draws a bath and the husband goes downstairs. As the husband returns he surprises him at the top of the stairs and springs from the closet to slash his throat. His glass of milk breaks on the stairs and after clinging desperately to the handrail he soon follows. Marvelling at the destructive beauty of gravity he descends to collect his prize, putting the nose in a specimen jar. Taking his time and minding the blood on the way up he hears the wife singing and speaking to him and as he enters she blindly grasps and holds him. "I love you", she says taking him completely off guard, he holds her back and begins to cry. She looks up asking him "What's the matter?" and screams to find a thing covered in her husband's blood. Feeling the all too familiar fragmentations of his heart he flies into a fury slashing and chasing her into the bathroom where he destroys the door and tackles her into the tub. Screaming, laughing, crying, he slashes her to ribbons. Her eyes stay beautiful even after she's dead but fixed forever with a horrible sadness. Holding her mutilated, lifeless body in a bathtub of her blood he weeps himself to sleep. Waking up at sunrise from a dream this his life had returned to normal the grim meathook realities set in and he ponders traumatized while burning himself with a candle. There is one thing left to do before cleaning the whole mess and kissing her he looks into her eyes one last time before carving them from her head. Leaving their house he walks home watching the rising sun and knows he is damned for what he's stolen. A love and beauty so pure as not to be found anywhere else. And a smile crept to his face. What bliss!
Beethoven - Allegretto
Dexter grins, crouches, and pulls a pair of short, straight swords from
sccabards belted at each hip.
Sinister wrinkles her lip and draws a long, thick rapier with a double
ring hilt. Her right hand already holds a poniard, single ring hilt, as
long as her forearm.
Dexter wastes no time. He leans into the first stride, his body tilted
forward at an unlikely angle as he leaps inside the guard of his enemy.
His right hand snakes around for a wrap shot on Sinister's knee, his
left curves up and over to strike for Sinister's shoulder.
Sinister's rapier intercepts the sword flying for her shoulder and a
swift motion pulls his knee out of the line of Dexter's strike. A the
foot falls as Dexter's sword curves through the space where it had been
and with uncanny grace. Her poniard is interposed neatly between two of
Dexter's ribs. A gout of red blood exits from the back of Dexter's vest.
Dexter coughs, once, shudders, and pulls himself off the blade,
standing as though stunned, swords at each side.
Sinister takes a step back and lowers her rapier, holding the poniard
across her body at the height of her navel.
Dexter lunges forward, dropping his short swords and drawing a pair of
daggers from his belt.
Sinister neatly slits his throat. She makes to dodge his strike.
Dexter moves too quickly. He embraces Sinister and his blades enter her
lungs and her heart.
Sinister coughs phlegm and blood. She collapses, draggin Dexter to the
ground with her. Dexter makes a half hearted effort to raise himself on
his arms but falls. His leg twitches briefly, and his voice can be
heard as a bubbling rasp. Fade to black.
Lake of Fire - Refrain
[Q music]....drops the bottle of pills and subtly lays back onto the bed. finally, feelings that he has not felt in years, come rushing back into his cold body. the pressures can all at once be released, with a simple gulp of water to wash down the pills. witness to the final moments of bliss, which Matt has been dreaming of for years.
Tom Waits Innocent when you Dream
She walked up to the bed.
"It's finally come down to it" she thought.
Her mother had made her promise that if she ever got this bad, she would end
it for her. She didn't want to exist and suffer for years. She had her
responsibilities. They were too poor for anything fancy, and her mother
always hated Doctors anyway. Better to keep things in house.
Stephanie bent down, kissed her sweaty forehead goodbye, smoothed her
hair off her face, and held the pillow in place. It didn't take very long.
She was weak. She barely struggled. Stephanie didn't cry.
Dance of the dead Children.mp3
[Cue Music] Iris out on our hero, Jimmy sitting at the cafe. Jimmy gets a call. Informs him the whereabouts of Steve 'the fish.' We follow Jimmy down the street to his 1974 white Caddy. Jimmy is pissed he has to drive down to Brooklyn, but understands his job. Being 'made' last week comes with certain obligations. Jimmy picks up Anthony on his way. They know 'The Fish' is hold up at Molly's pub on Flastbush just past Foster Ave. In the righteous leather gear of the day complete with white loafers, Jimmy and Tony walk in unknown in the neighborhood pub. They strike up conversation with the locals to figure out who 'The Fish' is. They find out and strike up a game of pool with him. Jimmy is winning, but soon tires of the game and decides to just bitch hit Steve with the pool cue. One fucking crack, and boom on the floor. Tony proceeds to drive his pool cue directly into the fat gut of 'The Fish' spewing blood everywhere. Job done.---------------the music underscores the whole quick and edit style scene.
Trouble Man.mp3
Scene of an intelligent, sculpted man, and a beautiful, slender woman
meeting in the open and proceeding to melt into a scene of them in a
bedroom with a luxurious bed witha canopy. The only sound is the music in
the background. Sensual, slow kissing which turns into making love.
The man pulls out a knife and proceeds to silently slice the throat of
the woman. After she has finished her death throws, he gently strokes
her face and walks away.
Jeff was standing outside of his place on the corner of 110th St. Here was my opportunity to get the money he owed me. I pulled up in my 1972 Dodge Challanger [Mopar Purple] and proceeded to ask Jeff if he had the five large.
Jeff's reply was, "Fuck off, E!"
He started off running down the street. (cue music) I sit for a split second......punch the gas (burning some major 'rubber') running over the little fucker over with 420 horsepower. Bounce out and rifle through this douche bags shitty ass pockets. 250 bucks doesn't quite cover my lose, but the pool of blood seeping from his head sure settles my nerves.
You can get it if you really want it.mp3
One fucking mispelling and one gramtical error. Go me!

this kid kicks ass