Here is a review of all of the songs that have currently been submitted, if you don't know what this contest is, scroll to the bottom to find out. This Music contest will be over at 11:59pm on 3-20. Submit!
Updated 3.20.2005 11:59AM
In the Lead
Quantic feat. Spanky Wilson - When You're Through
submitted by: francalingua
Uh oh, this song has got every bone in my body groovin and shit...jazzy, funky, upbeat, crisp, live...and that is just the intro. The vocalist has a great matter of fact style. Think 227 mixed with the flyest Puma shoes on Oct 26th....take in a deep breath of fresh air, and you are half way through this song. Alot of instruments mix togethor well on this song without overdoing it, and none of the instruments are overbearing, they are all just enough. Nice.
Misfits of Science - Fools Love
submitted by: chezui23
Son of a bitch, when this song was submitted there was a cute little note along with it that read: "numba 1" Now I am not one to validate cockiness...but this is an exception...this track is hot shits. Clean ass beats and lively vocals, finally a newer hip hop group of vocalists that don't all sound alike. And the sample that loops through the song really fits well with the beat. Very impressed, and a bit humbled that I haven't heard of these fuckers.
Rasputina - The Mayor
submitted by: judas
So far these 3 tracks are definitely in the topsies for possible favoritism...unbelievable flow and depth and pure fucking
audio enjoyment. Reminding me of when Poe was good and eery and hard and sexy, but to be honest, I shouldn't
compare this band to anyone, they are the hotness, beautiful use of strings. Yipes. And they swear with pretty voices,
I am always a sucker for that.
Awesome Mark - Underground
submitted by: contrast
Head nod beats, with stylish dialogue and mood changing loops, though it lacks depth, knowing that this track
is merely a work in progress, it easily worked it's way into the tops on possible favorites.
Larry Millah - Jewels
submitted by: aMillahhighlife
Now this I am diggin...the beat has personality right from the jump and the vocals and lyrics soon back up that personality very well. The chorus is funny but also flows so it isn't cheesey. And background vocals are placed perfectly, sometimes background vocals take away from the lyrics and make the song impossible to listen to, here they are perfect accents. The only thing I would like to see are a few more beat change ups to keep things going, but other than that, it is short and sweet.
The Brunettes - The Moon in June Stuff
submitted by: chezui23
This song is all over the place, in the best ways...a little of this, a little of that. Throw in some Patsy Cline/Eels type shit in the mix, and you've got gold. And I don't think you can ever not enjoy a song that utilizing alot of whisteling...it's been so long since I heard whistling, that I don't even know how to spell it. This is ranking in the uppers.
Dogs Die in Hot Cars- Lounger
submitted by: blasfemme
First time I heard this song I was like...eh...no big deal. Then I heard it again and I noticed that the vocals are pretty damned hot. Then I heard it again and I realized, hmmm there is a pretty sweet funky beat to this song. So I went from pretty much not giving a fuck, to truly enjoying it within a couple of half assed listens...for that, it deserves a chance at making it in the big time. Kinda Cure, kinda Clash, kinda who the fuck knows? In a good way.
James Angell - Who's Wakin' Me Up
submitted by: catdad
This one is tricky...It has everything I love about Beta band, and nothing that I don't like about Beta Band. Very chill track, decent beats, nice flowing piano, subtle vocals. However, even though Beta band has its quirks that I dislike, I do love them for trying different things...this band might just be a bit too safe. But then again, I really dig this song, so it has potential to make it to the top. Dark and sweet. yup.
16 Horsepower - Black Soul Choir
submitted by: judas
Rusted Root sings to the Banjo...now that is a combination I can get down with...though I do wish the song would have had a bit more to it...the beginning sounded alot like the end, which sounded alot like the middle...that makes it tough for me to keep focused on...but I do truly dig this song, just not sure yet...but I won't discard it just yet, I praise bands that strive to be different.
Stevie Wonder - Living for the City
submitted by: neodrunk
I have been known to say that if I have heard the artist before, chances ae they can't be my new favorite song...because I probably like thier other songs better...but this is the exception. I have never heard this song, and the past 26 years of my life have paid dearly for that. I honestly feel like a better person whilst listening to this. Chillin ass organs and old boy Stevie working it out, funky ass shit and not too much funk to the point where repeated listens are mandatory....This one is a contenda.
Submitals for 3-20
Dr. Demento - Dead Puppies
submitted by: darkjuan
This is funny shit, I would really like it better if it were about cats, but it is still good. I can't seem to figure out what song it sounds like, and who is this Dr. Demento? Doesn't he have a radio show or some shit? Too funny
Dogs Die in Hot Cars - I love you cause I have to
submitted by: blasfemme
This song is cute, nice little ska beats and back again with the 80's vibe vocals. I have a feeling this group really dug Ferris Bueller's Day off. I like it, but the other song by them I liked much better. I am gonnna go see these guys live though.
good shit.
Aquaduct - The suggestion Box
submitted by: blasfemme
review pending
John Frusciante - Every Person
submitted by: judas
review pending
Damien Rice - Then Go
Damien Rice - Cold Water
submitted by: judas
review pending
Jeff Buckley - Everybody Here Wants You
Jeff Buckley - Lover, You Should Have Come Over
submitted by: judas
review pending
Serge Gainsbourg - Aeroplanes
Serge Gainsbourg - Bonnie and Clyde
Serge Gainsbourg - Titicaca
Serge Gainsbourg - Comic Strip
submitted by: judas
review pending
Dwight Yoakam - Only hurts when I Cry
submitted by: judas
review pending *sniffle*

Submitals to date
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Breathless
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - The Weeping Song
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Hallelujah
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - The Sorrowful Wife
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Hiding All Away
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Stagger Lee
submitted by: judas
I like the fact that I do not not like Nick Cave. Not because I hate Nick Cave...but because I know that I am just not used to him yet... better yet... I am not ready for him yet... I have heard but one song of his prior to these, and to be honest, didn't really think much of him. At first listen, these songs are just OK, but then I listen to them again..and I am drawn in...not because I really dig them, but because I can tell there is something there that will eventually click. Sad thing is it will take more time than is alotted for this contest. But I will forever be changed by this, I can feel it. Hiding All Away is definitely going to be the first one to suck me in. Great gospelish chorus, and head fucking guitar breaks.
Einstazende Neubauten - Was Ist Ist
Einstazende Neubauten - Sabrina
Einstazende Neubauten - Redukt
submitted by: judas
On ignorant ears these songs fall short all too easy. But understanding that all of these tracks are pioneers to what was to come, you can more realize just how good it must have been when it first came out. Like if you didn't know who Grandmaster Flash was, and heard some of his tracks today... you might be like...eh, not too hot. But in reality...
it is pure genius. And by the way, I don't think there is a chance in hail that I spelled thier name right, so be kind.
Souvenirs - L'amour Toujors
Souvenirs - Spider lady
submitted by: judas
If I had a cool auntie that traveled alot and was single, but had pictuers of herself all over the world, I could see her listening to this. And I would think she was cheesey when I was little, but then later down the road, I would think she was the hot shit for listening to such diverse music. Then I would claim all of her records when she died. This isn't the kind of stuff you can listen to everyday, but the Parisian feel to these sultry songs are definitely great mood music to get you swooning.
Rufus Wainwright - Beauty Mark
Rufus Wainwright - Foolish Love
Rufus Wainwright - Beauty Mark
submitted by: judas
I have always like Rufus Wainwright, his shit was on long before Badly Drawn Boy or David Grey got all famed up and whatnot. His voice cuts sharper than an ovenroasted knife, and pretty ass beats to go with it. This makes me want to dig through my old bins of discs and find his to drive with into work Monday morning. Good shit.
William Shatner - Rocket Man
submitted by: neodrunk
I have had my fill of Shatner songs, the Fear of Pop cd I have is Ben folds and Shatner doing some great original songs. I even have Leonard Nemoy singing "Put a Little Love in Your Heart," And I am not even a Trekkie...though Wrath of Kahn was off the tits.

The Bravery - No Rings on these Fingers
submitted by: blasfemme
This is a nice simple song, nice brit style vocals all shakey and over done, but I dig that most of the time. Not much about this song really stands out compared the others though, nice bleeps and sweeps here and there, a little new wavish. I will listen to again, but I don't think I will ever know it by heart.
Dogs Die in Hot Cars - Godhopping
submitted by: blasfemme
The intro with pianos is hot shit, it reminds me of a really cheese ass dating show intro. THen the Cure influenced vocals take over and it goes this way and that way, hard to follow but you want to. ALot of elements that remind me of bad TV and Ferris Bueller Soundtracks. But thats all good.
Dollshead - No Karma, No Candy
submitted by: catdad
This is nice and dark, I think I have heard of them before, big in the 90's I think. But I can't tell if it is a bad recording or what..it sounds really muted, not much depth to it. And every once and a while I picture Alanis Morissette and then I am turned off. BUt it has it's moments.
Edwyn Collins - A Girl Like You
submitted by: neodrunk
I have always enjoyed this track, his swayful voice reminds of Roy Orbison with out all that skin melting off his face. Nice and dark and pulp fictionish. Probably cause it also reminds me of Urge Overkill, just a tad though. Whatever happend to this fucker?
Deeeelite - Say Ahh
submitted by: neodrunk
Awww the sweet sweet sounds of Deeeelite, never sure how many e's there are, but you all get the idea. I love this band, and it's been a while since I heard anything of thiers. Definitely will go down in history for thier style and delicious beats, and her oh so uber sexable voice. Too familiar for a new foavrite, but enjoyable none the less...its funny though, I can actually hear a little Le Tigre and Chicks on Speed in there...never really thought Deeelite would be thier influence.
The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary(remix)
submitted by: neodrunk
I have heard this before but never who it was by...I love when that happens...I once bought a Doobie Brothers cd because i was bored...and every song I was like... Hey, I love this song. This is a sweet track, definitely makes you want go grab some of those 80's movies, roll up your jeans, and crimp your hair...wait... Seriously though, great track. Makes me wonder how many other songs by these guys i already love.
Stevie Wonder - Living for the City
submitted by: neodrunk
I have been known to say that if I have heard the artist before, chances ae they can't be my new favorite song...because I probably like thier other songs better...but this is the exception. I have never heard this song, and the past 26 years of my life have paid dearly for that. I honestly feel like a better person whilst listening to this. Chillin ass organs and old boy Stevie working it out, funky ass shit and not too much funk to the point where repeated listens are mandatory....This one is a contenda.
Butterfly Boucher - Another White Dash
submitted by: blasfemme
This song has great vocals, nice and dark and compelling, but not so dark that you want to pop blood capsules and go to the Bellwood cemetary. The chorus gets all too pretty for me though...sounds like how crappy Liz Phair's songs are now...all radio friendly and what not. Too bad, because the rest of this song is done very well. May be interested to hear more from this group.
Nelly McKay- Sari
submitted by: blasfemme
Hermmmm... funky rappish chick vocals over processed beats. Kinda think it is shitty, kinda think it is catchy, kinda think it is piss poor, kinda want to rub myself to it. All these different emotions...that either means this song really does suck asshole...or that it is such genius that I am too small to comprehend it just yet. I will give it a chance. Not in the lead though, but might be bumped up later.
Jennifer Terran - The Musician(catdad edit)
submitted by: catdad
Very pretty, this is the kind of song I was stupid enough to try and get laid to in high school. A la Tori Amos, what was I thinking...Tori simply got me alot of really good friends that are girls. I do like this song, but I can't listen to this kind of music too much at a time, it reminds me of all of the long talks I had with girls I wanted to get with telling me about thier boyfriends. In the words of Brad Pitt's really bad accent in the Devil's Own trailor... "Im not goin bach"
Air Supply - Makin Love Out of Nothing
submitted by: TinyE
First of all, this may just possibly be the most entertaining entry of the contest. Second of all, I have already deleted it because it is taking up too much space on my hard drive. I am kidding, I actually threw the hard drive out the window and I am at Dunn Bros with my laptop. I am kidding again, this song rocks, and so does the crazy fuck that submitted it. (note...please don't send any more Air supply though) :p
16 Horsepower - Strawfoot
submitted by: judas
I thought I accidentally threw in my Led Zep album when i first heard this...then I realized it doesn't sound anyhting like them. Then I thought I kinda like this...nice and flowing, rootsy, simplified vocals...but I like thier other track better so far...however, this is more of a solid track and may end up knocking the other 16 Hp track off the lead... we shall see.
Seabound - Avalost(vocal version)
submitted by: judas
If this track is from the early 80's, i give it credit for being expiremental, if its any later than that, I think ist is sub par. It has a great melody, and the vocals are ok...but i think it could be a much darker song, louder, harder. And vocals could be more intrusive...but like I said, if its old school, they did a hella job on coming up with those sounds, some of them are better than most you will hear today. But its just a tad too weak for me, so not gonna make it to the top.
Envy is Blind - Breakdown
submitted by: judas
Its got something...airy...I like the airy vibe it has going, its crystal clear but filtered out so it grabs your attention more. The beats are nothing special at all though. Very pre-programmed and repitive...this track could definitely use some human error elements. And some off the trancey riffs are a bit stale. Dig the vocal filtering though. A much harder, darker, more bass driven beat would really compliment the airy vocals though. Not even close to a favorite, but a decent track.
Electric 6- Dance Commander
submitted by: judas
Not only the home of techno...but now Detroit can claim itself as the home of Electric 6...not sure which is more pride swelling...but I do know that this groups makes my balls feel really heavy and magnetic. And I like that feeling. Gay Bar ius by far my favorite track of thiers, but this is a nice side dish...just fucking cool ass vocals, funny but still rockin. I don't know how they do it, you would think they are novelty, but I am not getting sick of them yet. But I have heard this track before, so another sadly...won't make it.
Evil is Blind - Eccentricity
submitted by: judas
Space Camp! Astronauts have never been so entertaining...sure, there is music and some itty bitty vocal singing on this track, but that stuff is just filler...I enjoyed listening to the "all to familiar" space walkie talkie voices mumbling about something or other, and this or that. A houston here, a houston there... over. I am being harsh on this one, but it really did nothing for me, very 1 dimensional.
Nina Simone - Pirate Jenny
submitted by: judas
I want to play Catch Phrase with Nina Simone...she is the ill shit. I don't think I have heard anything from her that was not worthy of greatness, I haven't heard much from her, but all good things. Great vocal fucking aroundedness, cute, movie plot piano and theatrical lyrics and singing, I don't even consider this a song, its more an experience. VH1 should have done a Storytelling with this crazy bitch.
Spanky Wilson - When You're Through
submitted by: francalingua
Uh oh, this song has got every bone in my body groovin and shit...jazzy, funky, upbeat, crisp, live...and that is just the intro. The vocalist has a great matter of fact style. Think 227 mixed with the flyest Puma shoes on Oct 26th....take in a deep breath of fresh air, and you are half way through this song. Alot of instruments mix togethor well on this song without overdoing it, and none of the instruments are overbearing, they are all just enough. Nice.
Quantic - Prelude to Happening
submitted by: francalingua
This is that one song that you hear where you know it is good, but you just aren't ready to let yourself get into yet...its subtle, an instrumental, and it builds very very slowly, but you know its doing it and you know its worth the wait. Songs like this do not ussually make my favorites list unless they really take some decent turns and changeups to keep me interested...either that or they need to climax like a motherfucker at the end so I feel like I just had a music shower. This track builds nicely, but the climax isn't as hard as it could be, so I feel a little used at the end. Good song though, I will frequent it.
Nostalgia 77 - Various Song Samples
submitted by: francalingua
Wow, I was sent a link to some samples by this artist/genius, one sample that really stands out... picture this... you are watching Blues Brothers, if you haven't seen it... Fuck you with a cucumber peeler... so you are watching Blues Brothers... and it gets to the diner scene...Aretha Franklin gets up and instead of hearing the song you've heard every other time you've watched this movie...this time...she does a fucking cover of Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes...now I only got to here a mere 45 seconds of the track...which means it won't win...but I am already ordering the cd.
Miles Davis - So What
submitted by: neodrunk
This has got be the most ironic song title aside from Ninja Rap by the one and only Vanilla Ice. So what...its just Miles fucking Davis right? I say so be it...you can never go wrong with Miles..if you are down, he will bring you up. If you are up, he will bring you higher. And you cannot decipher which of his songs are better than another, it would be like comparing apples with toasters. But this is a gooden, been played many times before, and I remember watching slow smoke float in front of me to the beat. Fuck I wish I grew up in Cliff Huxtable's basement.
Antonio Carlos Jobim - The Girl from Ipanema
submitted by: neodrunk
I have enjoyed so many versions of this song...it never gets old. My favorite rendition came by way of a fuzzy ultra lounge cd I had. The name itself always puts me in an old school classy mood. This version sounds like it should have been on the Life Aquatic soundtrack. A nice break from the usual. Great song, all versions.
Lotec - Never Forfit
submitted by: aMillahhighlife
I dig the beats on this track, reversed out type shit, flows well. Decent loops and scratching. I am not sure I like the chorus though, the mixture of words sounds a bit strange. But the verses are tight and vocals are strong and confronting. A few added sound effects here and there keep the beat from getting too repeatitive, but there are still some parts that drag a bit. Other than that, solid contibution into the music world.
King Geedorah - The Fine Print
submitted by: aMillahhighlife
Everything from KMD, Viktor Vaughn, Doom, Madvillian...it doesn't matter what he calls himself...the comic book metl faced emcee extraordinaire MF Doom will never get old. This is a top example of that. The usual risky beats with his smokey lazy voice, motherfucker can flow. And I dig the premise in his lyrics, refreshing. I am proud to live less than 10 minutes from the label that dropped his MMM Food album. Problem being...every Doom song is damned near my favorite...so this one isn't gonna make it.
Blue Six - Pure
submitted by: aMillahhighlife
I am a big Astralwerks label junkie...I am always looking to see who they are dropping out with next..I remember hearing about this artist and checking them out...so-so, nothing special. I expect alot from Astralwerks acts, and Blue Six jsut doesn't seem to have the same edge as others as far as coming out with new and bold shit. They are a decent group and this song is ok, but its a bit too simple and dance trackish. I wouldn't be surprised eharing this at the local bowling alley/nightclub.
Larry Millah - Jewels
submitted by: aMillahhighlife
Now this I am diggin...the beat has personality right from the jump and the vocals and lyrics soon back up that personality very well. The chorus is funny but also flows so it isn't cheesey. And background vocals are placed perfectly, sometimes background vocals take away from the lyrics and make the song impossible to listen to, here they are perfect accents. The only thing I would like to see are a few more beat change ups to keep things going, but other than that, it is short and sweet.
Floater - Independance Day
submitted by: blasfemme
Solid vocals, a ncie ska beat that doesn't sound like ska somehow...it doesn't scream genius or excitement, but it is good. The lead vocals sound familiar and the beat changes up here and there helping the song to move along. There just isn't enough to this song to make it a favorite, but I do enjoy it and would definitely pu tthier sticker on the urinal at Denny's. If I had a sticker of thiers.
P-Money - Stop the Music
submitted by: chezui23
This one is tough...it sounds like a really bad rap by Puff Daddy with cheesey vocals...but over a decent beat with a few nicely placed vocal samples from what sounds like the 40's. But the vocals have way to much breathe to them, and it is really distracting...what is even worse...the chorus is fucking stellar! The beats change up and get live and inspired, you are just about to get into and jump for fucking joy...but then the chorus stops and P Diddy comes back to swoon you into disappointment. I will listen to this song more than once, but mostly jsut to hear that chorus, its hot.
Jonatha Brooke - How Deep is Your Love
submitted by: catdad
This is a great song, and she is a tight vocalist... junecleavage is going to kill me for not putting this in the lead for my new favorite song. Its really really good, but it's just not me. I do highly recommend it though. Perfect beats, harmony, the good parts of Fiona Apple before she turned into a crack whore anti-model activist...wait, she was always a crack whore anti-model activist...either way good use of piano, great voice, great song....just not great enough for this contest.]
PJ Harvey- Harder
submitted by: jubjub
It is PJ...there isn't one bad thing I can say about her, besides the fact that she blows ass for never giving me a foot rub. I just have a feeling she would be very good that. Never heard this song before, from the get go I am so-so impressed...then I start to dig it...then I really dig it. Her vocals are just bad ass... and this is a very raw recording, but it suits her. Problem is, I am already a fan of hers, and though this is a great song...there are too many others by her that I adore equally or greater than...hence...this sadly cannot become my new favorite song. But that doesn't mean I won't play the shit out of it.
Little Barrie- Free Salute
submitted by: blasfemme
This is a cute little track, its got life to it...and lot of funkiness that makes my butt wiggle. But they are very similiar to another band that I love called Apples in Stereo...and compared to Apples in Stereo...this band doesn't quite match the level of greatness. I dig this track, and I am sure you all would too...but as soon as it's over...meh, a bit too easy to forget.
Dogs Die in Hot Cars- Lounger
submitted by: blasfemme
First time I heard this song I was like...eh...no big deal. Then I heard it again and I noticed that the vocals are pretty damned hot. Then I heard it again and I realized, hmmm there is a pretty sweet funky beat to this song. So I went from pretty much not giving a fuck, to truly enjoying it within a couple of half assed listens...for that, it deserves a chance at making it in the big time. Kinda Cure, kinda Clash, kinda who the fuck knows? In a good way.
Hayden - Woody
submitted by: blasfemme
I love, love, love the fact that this song is really, really, really short. Sorry to say, but I just couldn't get into it. I love me some harmonica, and it has a nice old school stroy telling country sound to it...but the vocals make my head heavy and I want to nap. But luckily, just when I am about to give up on it...it's over. So it has that going for it.
Neva Dinova - Poison
submitted by: blasfemme
This shit is allright, nice and calm...doesn't put me to sleep, just kinda swoons me into a happy place. Kind of boring at this place, not many interesting things going on, just nice and friendly. Too subtle to be a favorite of mine, but subtle enough to be played more than once and not begin to annoy the senses. I like it, just not in love with it. But if it were by Bright Eyes, I would so fucking love it. (noodle clit inside joke)
Kings of Leon - Happy Alone
Kings of Leon - Joe's Head
submitted by: blasfemme
I am having problems with this group right now...I just bought there new album, can't seem to focus on it. And these 2 tracks are both deep tracks from the prior album...and I can't seem to focus much on these either. I think I have Molly's Chamber itus. I just facking love that song, and nothing these guys are doing is adding up to that track. I do think they would kill live though...but I just don't feel anything like I do when I hear Molly's Chamber. I hate to type cast bands...but sometimes it happens and sadly I can't get into thier other work. Woe is me.
The Bleeders - Bleeding Heart
submitted by: chezui23
Well...it rocks by definition...might even roll a little bit here and there. But to me it sounds like this..."yell, yell, yell" drumbeat, rocked out guitar..."yell, yell, yell" repeat. Nothing special for me, but they probbly rock out pretty good live, I just couldn't feel it in this track...all i could see in my head was a bunch of sweaty ogres in the beer line, and they weren't too happy.
Bloc Party - The Answer
submitted by: cipher
This song is 80% genius (fucking genius) and 20% really cheesey vocals. If this was an instrumental I would be all over it. Epic beats that roll on like inspiring tremors trying to wake you out of your sleep and do something with yourself. But those filtered out vocals are over done...and really ruined this song for me. Ironically there is a line in the song "If you could talk...a little less..." I truly wish they would have read thier own lyrics and left this gem of a song along. FInd me the instrumental and we are in business.
Josh Joplin - On Fire
submitted by: oblivion
Josh Joplin is good, very good...but this song just makes me want to listen to the song I really like him for. I can't even remember the name of the song...I think it's Camera One. Good song though, but because it makes me want to hear something else...it won't make it to the top.
The Brunettes - The Moon in June Stuff
submitted by: unknown
This song is all over the place, in the best ways...a little of this, a little of that. Throw in some Patsy Cline/Eels type shit in the mix, and you've got gold. And I don't think you can ever not enjoy a song that utilizing alot of whisteling...it's been so long since I heard whistling, that I don't even know how to spell it. This is ranking in the uppers.
Misfits of Science - Fools Love
submitted by: unknown
Son of a bitch, when this song was submitted there was a cute little note along with it that read: "numba 1" Now I am not one to validate cockiness...but this is an exception...this track is hot shits. Clean ass beats and lively vocals, finally a hip hop group of vocalists that don't all sound alike. And the sample that loops through the song really fits well with the beat. Very impressed, and a bit humbled that I haven't heard of these fuckers.
James Angell - Who's Wakin' Me Up
submitted by: catdad
This one is tricky...It has everything I love about Beta band, and nothing that I don't like about Beta Band. Very chill track, decent beats, nice flowing piano, subtle vocals. However, even though Beta band has its quirks that I dislike, I do love them for trying different things...this band might just be a bit too safe. But then again, I really dig this song, so it has potential to make it to the top. Dark and sweet. yup.
Rasputina - Transylvania Concubine
submitted by: judas
Once Again, I am blown away by the quality this group is pulling out of thier vagina's. And though I am surprised that they have not seen any airplay that I know of... I am also glad, because they are definitely something I would consider a "best kept secret" Shhhhh.
16 Horsepower - Black Soul Choir
submitted by: judas
Rusted Root sings to the Banjo...now that is a combination I can get down with...though I do wish the song would have had a bit more to it...the beginning sounded alot like the end, which sounded alot like the middle...that makes it tough for me to keep focused on...but I do truly dig this song, just not sure yet...but I won't discard it just yet, I praise bands that strive to be different.
Ashtray Hearts - Disaster
submitted by: judas
It's been a.... loooong... december. Just can't get Counting Crows out of my head when I hear these guys. If I were them, I would go back in time and kill Courtney Cox, because without her, Counting Crows might not have been OVERLY fucking played on every radio station and kill this style of music for me. Sorry Ashtray hearts...Mr. Jones killed you.
Luna Sea - Dejavu
submitted by: judas
I am convinced that I would really enjoy seeing this band live...I have a sense that they would rock out pretty hard and look mysteriously comical on stage, but in a good way. I am still not feeling thier music as something I would consider my favorite, but they do have character and this song shows that they have balls in thier music. But if they were a group out of New Jersey...I wouldn't be too impressed.
12 Rods - Astrogimp
submitted by: judas
Much better than the first song I heard from this group...like they aren't trying as hard or something. Tight rhythms, and more listener friendly vocals. Still not exactly top knotch in my book, but I would definitely listen to this more than once. There is a strange hint of Ozzy in his voice that sets me off a bit... but sounding like Ozzy isn't exactly a bad thing.
Low - The Lamb
submitted by: judas
Another sleeper, but in this case, that is a good thing...I zoned out at the end, hearing the distant yet loud clammering beat repeating over and over like a marching nightmare, the vocals spoke to me a bit more on this track compared to the first... Definitely mood music, though still very, very slow...over time, this track might creep it's way into my favorites category...but not just yet.
Cocteau Twins - Blue Bell Knoll
submitted by: judas
My only knowledge of this group is thier featured vocals on Teardrop by Massive Attack...always see thier albums at Cheapo, just never gave them the extra effort of picking one up. This is a very deep track, lots of atmosphere that swoons my insides. Harmonies that are creepily pretty. Not going to make it as my new favorite though...not because I don't like it...jsut that there is too much competition that is a step above this. I now consider myself one of thier fans now, more than before.
Kool Kieth - I'm Seeing Robots
submitted by: liz
I love everything about Kool Kieth...his aliases, his uniqueness, his ability to have cool album names. But there is one thing I do not love about Kool Kieth...his music. I don't know...he has all the ingrediants to make something I would dig. And Poppa Large by the Ultramagnetic MC's is one my top 10 hip hop tracks ever made. It is sad, but true...I just don't dig on the Kiethster.
20 Fingers - Lick it
20 Fingers - Pussy
submitted by: angryann
I am almost scared that someone I know owns these songs and took the time and effort to send them to me. Not that they aren't superb tracks or anything...but if someone sends me "Don't want no short dick man".... I may have to pull out the wooden spoon. Have to admit I laughed when I played "Lick it" its probably been 10 years since I heard that shit.
Honeydogs - Panhandlers Serenade
Honeydogs - Poor Little Sugar
Honeydogs - Test Tube Kid
submitted by: neodrunk
All three of these tracks are decent, the best probably would have to Panhandler's Serenade. However, none
of these tracks really grab me and make me want to listen more than once. But there is definitely something there.
They may start to grow on me, but for now...not quite favorites.
Atmosphere - Reflections
submitted by: liz
This is a great song, however I have been listening to it over and over for the last year...but Slug is a local legend, so
I am a bit biased as far as how good his shit is. But it does make me happy to know that even down in Texas, there are
girlies who respect the Midwest Invasion.
The Killers - All These Things That I've Done
submitted by: liz
As mainstream as these cats are getting...they deserve it. When I picked up this disc, this song and the first song on the album were instant favorites...can't beat the use of gospel type shit in there. Just a damned good song. But I have been playing this one out too, so not gonna make it...sorry

Placebo - Mars Landing Party
submitted by: judas
Unexpected ultra lounge from a purdy little band, I truly enjoyed the use of touchtones living up the beat,
however not quite favorite song worthy, this track was well received.
CunninLynguists - Mic Like a Memory
submitted by: contrast
Dark story telling hiphop with weary jazz backgrounds, haven't been filled with as much sould flavored sorrow
since Pete Rock and CL Smooth's - They Reminisce Over You, not quite enough to make it to the favorite... but there
will definitely be repeat visits to that track.
Luna Sea - Face to Face
submitted by: judas
This track reminded of many great songs, but not in a good way. The stretched out vocals, dark wave beats, raw gritty
backgrounds...all made me want to listen to the songs that it reminded me of. I am not informed enough to accuse them
of being a carbon copy...but at this stage in the game, didn't do much for me.
12 Rods - Terrible Hands
submitted by: judas
Reminds me of the type of song that might be used in a Surge soda commercial, first reason would be due to the fact that thier sound is very similiar to what I would consider ammunition for target marketing, and secondly because before Surge,there was already Mountain Dew and Mellow Yellow and Sprite, and Seven Up, and Ginger Ale....Did we really need Surge? Viva La Redbull
Jhae - Lindsay Lohan
submitted by: contrast
Horribly brilliant, lazy untalanted rapping over e-40 style beats, but does talent or sound quality really matter when
the basis of the song is calling out celebrities on thier quality of titties. However, I must concur... Halle Berre really
doesn't have that bigga titties...but oh well. A quik chuckle novelty track , but novelties can't be favorites.
Rykarda Parasol - En Route
submitted by: judas
Upbeat, yet dark and tragic...this is the kind of track that is made for movies... Natural Born Killers would have
definitely found a scene for this song. The vocals are hard and sexy, and the chorus is penetrating...though the
piano is a bit much at parts and hard to take, great track, but not quite there for favorite, close though.
Low - Dinosaur Act
submitted by: judas
There is nothing bad about this song at all, but at the same time, there is nothing really all that good either. It is
more than listenable, yet I start to wonder when it will be over, and thats not good. A bit too slow for me, with too high
of pitch vocals. Good though, just not good, you know?
Ashtray Hearts - Queen South
submitted by: judas
These poor bastards...as soon as I heard the lead vocalist, Counting Crows came to mind...and they stayed in there,
and ruined everything that this band could possibly bring to the table, resulting in an immediate write off. Sorry.
Jay Z - 99 problems (99 Luftballoons remix)
submitted by: contrast
It scares me how well this song mixes with the original German classic...almost makes me wonder if Jay Z secretly
did that on purpose, a la Pink Floyd over th Wizard of Oz...if it is true, Jay Z just went up a point in my book. The
problem is, he was at -3 before, so now sitting at -2 it doesn't look good for the possibility of favoritism.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force - I Want Candy
submitted by: angryann
Great find, I truly love owning novelty tracks from TV shows, cartoons etc... Makes me feel uber cool shit. But it IS
a novelty, so no-no on the favorites front, but fun none the less.
Perfect Circle - The Nurse Who Loved Me
submitted by: angryann
This is probably a good song...but before I listen to lyrics, I have to like the beat, and then once I am sick of the beat,
I start to hone in on the lyrics, at which point I either realize that A. this song actually sucks, or B. wow there is actually
a point to this song, good for you musicians. The beat on this song put me to sleep, the vocals were like a cool ice pack on eyes...didn't want me to wake up. So I slept through it. Sorry Perfect Circle, I have heard you are really good, but this one didn't do it for me.
Citizen Cope - Bullet and a Target
submitted by: contrast
It's good, its like the Getaway People and G. Love had musical sex and squeezed out a group who's lyrics are inspired from Everlast. Actually, that is not the good part. And like Blue Oyster Cult...this band must have had a Bruce Dickinson in the studio claiming "Explore the space, I need more handclapping!" But beside those 2 negatives...it actually is a catchy song, just not catchy enough for favoritism.
Rasputina - High on Life
Rasputina - The Mayor
submitted by: judas
So far these 2 tracks are definitely in the topsies for possible favoritism...unbelievable flow and depth and pure fucking
audio enjoyment. Reminding me of when Poe was good and eery and hard and sexy, but to be honest, I shouldn't
compare this band to anyone, they are the hotness, beautiful use of strings. Yipes. And they swear with pretty voices,
I am always a sucker for that.
Awesome Mark - Underground
submitted by: contrast
Head nod beats, with stylish dialogue and mood changing loops, though it lacks depth, knowing that this track
is merely a work in progress, it easily worked it's way into the tops on possible favorites.
Omar - This is Not a Love Song
submitted by: amillahighlife
Right from the jump the beat has you interested, but ussually that means the vocals dissappoint...not the case here,
clear, soulful vocals over tweaked out funk induced acid jazzy beats...I like all of those elements, so this is a contender. Strangley enough, the dog barking in the background of this song actually makes it more intrigueing for me...scratches head.
Honorable Mention
acidevangelist not knowing there was a contest, provided me with copy of Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, an excellent album...I had seen them earlier on Conan and was blown away by the style and presence of this band. He also provided me with 4 cassette tapes with various artists including the uber talented Jolie holland, sad thing is, I don't have a tape player anywhere, so I will have to wait until I am forced into a road trip with someone who still has a tape deck.
annamei suggested visiting the Fischerspooner website, and I am already quite familiar with thier greatness, but she still deserves kudos for the excellent taste.
Official Contest Rules are below:

Rules: E-mail me an .mp3 of a song you think I may have not heard. If it becomes my new favorite song, you win. If I listen to it and am unimpressed, you can read my review of your submittal on my journal and try, try again.
Prize: Mix Cd of your choice of styles, professionally mixed by the one we call Toneski. (added bonus SG prize, you'll have to win to see)
Due Date: 11:59pm on 3-20
Email: toneski808@yahoo.com
yeah i was laughing even harder at that pic when i saw some of the photoshopped versions of it here ....but we alllll know you could school those cats on some photoshop ANYDAY
You're the photoshop masta!

hey there asski