Saturday at the movies with Faux Show:
12:35 PM
Enter Uptown Theatre, purchase 2 tickets to the Machinist, a large cola and medium popcorn.
12:43 PM
See another mesmorizing preview for House of Flying Daggers, and still cannot wait to see it.
12:50 PM
Good christ...Christina Bale really looks like shit, this movie could be pretty fucking twisted.
12:57 PM
Hmmm, they sure like to show how sickly Christian Bale looks... this movie could be pretty fucking lame.
1:03 PM
I want to have sweaty sex with Jaennifer Jason Liegh.
1:40 PM
1:47 PM
I don't think I like this movie.
2:10 PM
What the fuck....
2:25 PM
Hmmm...interesting twist that I was far from predicting.
2:30 PM
Credits roll...I am convinced I did not like this movie.
2:31 PM
I can barely walk to the exit...I feel weak and shameful.
2:32 PM
I realize that good movies make you feel different went you exit the theatre.
2:37 PM
Light Cigarette in parking lot behind Williams, and begin my journey through the movie I had just seen.
2:40 PM - 4:00PM
Constant conversation with wifey about the subtle foreshadowing and plot reconstruction.
4:01 PM
We both decide that even though we wanted to push a 3-fer and see Kinsey and Tarnation all in the same day...we wuss out and go home to relax.
The Machinist is not the best movie I have ever seen, but looking was far from the worst.
This concludes a Saturday at the movies...with Faux Show.
tonight is the first night that i'm home alone (insert macaulay culkin here) since we moved into the house. too bad studying for a stupid test is hindering my desire to run around the house all nekked and screaming obscenities. i guess i could multitask.
education is crampin' my style, b.
for what it's worth, you're not a dick, and i really liked the movie.
so there.