oh wow, i'm having piercing issues. my bottom one was swollen when i woke up yesterday and by the afternoon it was oozing stuff...so i broke out the antiseptic and cleaned the hell out of it with a bunch of my sterile knowhow and by 3 in the morning it had gone down and stopped oozing. well this morning i woke with the bottom and middle one swollen...so i'm making a stop at the shop on the way home and having it looked at. i better not have to take them out. i would cry...i wanted these for over 2 years...on a very cool note. i went to see X2 last night and omigod did it ever kick ass. except i had to pee through the last half of it, so i got a little preoccuppied. but it was well worth staying up all night for. i've slipped into summer girliness with complete flowery ensembles. yay girly...with fun metal. now if only we could get the metal to cooperate. oh, guys, if i don't respond to posts, it's typically because i'm a lazy bitch, but also because my brain has been so dead i haven't had anything to say. sorry.
I love you baby
have a wonderful day...only a few more weeks
I love you baby

[Edited on May 03, 2003]