Today had every potential of being wonderful. I woke up on my own after a full night of sleep, ontime, and to an email from my stevish. then "sweet child of mine" was on the radio on the way to school. nothing poignant happened at school, including no sign of fuckoffphil. after classes i sojourned to the tattoo shop to tell sean my latest ideas for holifying myself. he thinks i'm nuts and told me to take it one piercing at a time and put me on the to-pierce list for next month. i'm possibly going to make bank being an ice cream spokesgirl, which would be really nice. now if only i talk steve into letting me weekend in buff...then this afternoon hit and i spent a really long time being harassed by mr. random. times like these when i wish i still lived in the mountains so i could drive out and hide for a few days and then come back a little less miffed. *sigh* i think i'll go read steve's email again.
get many peircings and tattoos they are good
web cams scare me, because i take my sleeping pills and get all fucked up and end up showing girls my penis... and then i dont remember it untill they yell at me for it....