Your hair color depends on a chemical in your body that determines this. Well guess what it is a science fact so does your sexual orientation, there are chemicals in your brain that have developed since the day you was conceived. Shocking but it all makes since to me now.I all ways had a problem thinking that God would not love someone that was gay. Well guess what he does because he made them that way and if your not gay. Think of it this way imagine God not loving you or other people hating you because of you hair color, and for you to be excepted you had to shave your head. You could not stile your hair or comb it. You had to all ways hide the fact that your hair was the color it was. It would be a hard life. You couldn't get married because you might have more kids who would have that same hair color, oh and god hatted you because you have that hair color. Every one would tell you its your fault,and if you try really hard your hair color would change. Well this is what most Christians tell gay people,and this has got to stop.. God made them gay and he loves them for who they really are, and so should every one else. Please stop the hate, because I don't care what hair color,skin color or sexual orientation you have I love you for who you are. Think you for listening to me rant and love your neighbor it makes the world such a nicer place


you sir, are pretty awesome...last chances for free movies=today,friday night,saturday, & monday
feel free to come by...and if not i shall see you guys next week for henry!

thats a fantastic analogy.