Ok ya I know been awhile sence I have wrote anything sorry just havent been feeling like writing much the extra stuff I have been doing for pain is realy working just alittle touch is all it takes with the meds I already take I mean it is realy a small amont,but it does bring up another problem even if I dont hurt much I am still home becouse now I am afraid of going out so sometimes I feel like a prisoner no matter what I doo and then this weekend like fridaynight I realy wanted to go out PAMMY realy wanted to go out to a punknight but then I had Jesse my son and no one to watch him yes the best I had felt in weeks and still a prisoner not his fault but on that some times it just seems like I am all alone when it comes for help with my son if it wasnt for PAMMY and her help with Jesse I truely think I would go insaine she took him to lunch today but just for an example this week Jesse has 3 or 4 Dr. apontments I even have to cancel one of mine so that he can make his I have waited weeks for that appiontment but his is at a specialist
and it not like you get a chance to reschedule
his they just call and tell you when and where to show
well atleast I have my hobies me and PAMMY was just talking about that tonight some men watch or play sports some golf some bowl some do wood carvings I make sex toys and restraints you know what I say practice makes perfection and if you got to be good at something well its about the only exersize I get anymore and I like to work out as much as posable well here are some pictures of some of the stuff I have made

and it not like you get a chance to reschedule
his they just call and tell you when and where to show
well atleast I have my hobies me and PAMMY was just talking about that tonight some men watch or play sports some golf some bowl some do wood carvings I make sex toys and restraints you know what I say practice makes perfection and if you got to be good at something well its about the only exersize I get anymore and I like to work out as much as posable well here are some pictures of some of the stuff I have made

btw- have they ever tried a tens unit for your back? maybe it might work?