so we whent to Havana had a great time got to talk to KatieOkieDokie and had lots of fun realy needed to go out my back has had me down for over a week so I druged myself up and pushed myself to get out the one thing that did surprise me alittle was I went to the bar to get a drink there was this guy who started hitting on me I told him that I didnt swing that way and that my girl was just up at the party he just wouldnt stop he raised his shirt and kept rubing his chest on me now I now I am in a gay bar and he is very drunk but I do think he kinda crossed the line and planted a big ol kiss right on my cheek Pammy's friend xxsullen_girlxx kinda tried to destract him alittle but he kept pushing I finally got my drink told him good night and ran back to Pammy latter I had to goto the bathroom but was scared to death I mean look what happend just me getting a drink oh well I was nice and polite and realy maybe alittle flatard but I think back in my younger days there would have been no way I would have walked into a bar like that and if another man try to kiss me I would have knocked him out but I have gotten older and alittle wiser the world needs love not hate and I was in his area I dont hold anything against him he was just drunk and horny I guess well other than that things have not been to great alot of pain realy infact the only days I even have been out was at punk night and havana my back is just killing me I mean last night I was up all night but for about an hour tonight I passed out about 11 and about 2:30 I had to get up and walk around my back was just killing me I actualy had to take pills first and after they started kicking in then I was able to walk and loosen up alittle but waking up like that realy wakes you up I mean I am wide awake other than that I havent told you all lately how much I am in love with PAMMY I love her so much I still dont see why she would want to be with a man like me I feel like I am holding her back she says I take care of her but I dont see it I wish I could do so more for her she is so lovely and beautiful and I love her so much she inspires me to write she makes it easy sometimes I hurt so much I cant even get out of bed without my cane and then she will come home from work and her just being in the room makes it not hurt as much she warms my heart with a smile I have always been with women that where high maintenance and Pammy is far from that so I guess that is why I feel like I dont do enough for her and she thinks I do to much I dont know all I do know is that I would do anything for her no matter how bad I would be hurting all she would have to do is ask I love her more than myself well I have wrighten enough for now you all have a wonderfull day and smile oh I did want to mention and say thank you to Timber_ ,PunkNightMike ,KatieOkieDokie and Modvayne for being so kind to my son Jesse at punknight he realy had alot of fun thank you so much
thanks! I gotta work on a Monday night hopefully I can meet you guys in Middletown soon
it was so nice meeting you