To love a woman its what I do best I think I am the kinda guy that its all or nothing I have given this love of mine my heart and for once I have found a woman this beautiful woman that actualy charishes it and holds it close to her heart I never new ther was sombody out there that could fit me so well I love her more and more each day and its the little things that I chairish like today I said I was hot and I saw the bedroom doors where closed I started to get up to open them and there she was already standing at the doors I asked what are you doing she said you where hot she knows by the end of the day its realy hard for me to move about and she got out of bed just to open the doors for ME its the little things that let me know she loves me she makes me feel lucky . lucky every minute of every day for she is my Pammy my pet my love the love of my life

that is really awesome man, its good to see friends of mine so happy!
yes two are adorable...and kick mucho arse!