i've got nothing really too exciting to say
...was just getting sick of seeing that last entry be up for so long.
i'm such a lurker these days ..no time or inkling to write ...'cept now, but i'm thinking either watching a movie or taking a bath. I'm loving baths these days, but I sure do wish I had a bigger tub. The fuck that designed the standard american tub musta been a really short narcoleptic. Who else would design a tub so short, narrow and unable to hold more than nine inches of water without draining out the overflow thingee? Still, soaking even half my body at a time in hot water is better than not at all.
ok, bath it is.
be nifty, eh?
I want you to father my child!!! 

my favorite tubs are antique clawfoot tubs.... they are longer and wider than standard tubs, and about twice as deep with no over flow drain.....