For Grooverider and anyone else's benefit...
my son is 2 1/2 and all boy. I didn't plan it that way, but he is genetically tuned to being a bruiser and loving sticks n' balls. He has his own language and is a riot to listen to once he gets on a roll.
My daughter is a few months shy of 6 ..she is totally cool. A warrior and a princess wrapped into one. I'd say more, but it is a little weird putting personal stuff about my kids up on a "porn" site for any old feltcher to see.
I bitch about the thought of changin diapers all over again, but the reality is that watching two people grow and develop right before your eyes and getting to be an active part of that ....that is the most amazing shit you can possibly imagine. Kids are magical.
i love your description of your daughter!! warrior and princess wrapped into one...that's what i strive for now! brilliant. brave you, you created life. the concept still baffles me...