hmmmm, what's ta say? Basicly, I'm slated for a life of rearing wee ones. I realize few people read this and even fewer care. So why am I bothering to post it? Good question ...I'm not trolling for someone to take pity on an old fart here such as myself. It's more of a compulsion. I just write because it's here for me to do so. I also get tired of looking at old entries. So anyway, you young'uns rock on. Rage 'til dawn, engage in some free-form tantra, dive in beneath the surface of illusion ...there's room there now that my skinny bum has left for another stint of diaper changes, spit up and infant-scream-induced-migraines. Man, youth is gone before you get a chance to really do something with it.
sorry for the generic response g-rider ...not feeling especially social just yet.
sorry for the generic response g-rider ...not feeling especially social just yet.
my immidiate impulse was to try and cheer you up somehow, but i guess you just have to go through whatever it is you have to go through. (what a great sentance- am i a brilliant writer or what?)
anyway- you know where to find me.