some days I swear I'm fucking invisible here. Were it not for grooverider, I'd think I was in jacob's ladder land, sixth sense shit, ya know? ..dead but not really accepting it; a ghost without a clue. But is that any different than what this life is anyway (so they say)?
Bob says it's brighter on the outside than it is really on the inside ..makes sense to me. This shit is real. Playing it out like it's all an illusion just fascilitates and propogates the anihilation and exploitation that is the cold reality for too many. Fight the good fight. Don't be so complacent. Walk with justice and truth, delivering peace and joy. Life is precious, honor it as a divine gift in every moment ...even if it turns out to only be a dream of some sleeping god or goddess.
anyone read that? comprende?
haven't received your email yet, i'll send you mine tomorrow.
i wont tell you what movie that was, but i'll keep giving you clues until you find out. so here's another one:
"chicks, can not hold their smoke! that's what it is...!"
and one more: (last one was tough...)
"-P B & J with the crusts cut off. who did your mom marry- mr. rogers?
no- mr. johnson"