i swear that if there is a hell (thanks to zenhell for me even considering it) ...if there is a hell, the soundtrack there would likely have the incessant sounds of back-up beepers found on large machinery with a constant drone of children crying.
my psyche is taking a pounding these last few days ...it's easy to wallow in the shit of it all, even though at the core, I ain't got it all that bad. My biggest gripe is who I've stumbled into doing this with. There is some comfort in knowing that I'll still have some time to fall in love, but the sucky thing is that by the time that I'll have time for that, I'll be stuck with old person sex ...ewwww.
can't say that i totally understand where you're at- from recent entries i got the impression that stuff was improving...
shit (customer)- gotta go- i'll be back later!
But seriously, I can sympathize with you. Sometimes it's the constant needs of children, other times it's the indifference of those contributing that breeds a lack of intimacy. At least in my experiences.
[Edited on Jul 21, 2003]