the beach was a bit of a bust ...can't expect too much when hanging with the classic famillia dysfunctionalae (previous, not current). Next time has got to be with friends.
Still, getting away from one's routine can offer a fair slice of perspective on one's life; as brutal or as enlightening as it may or may not be ...I'm not ready to ramble along on which case applies to me quite yet. Suffice to say, it was needed.
I also did get a day away to myself, torched a spliff, swam in the invigoratingly frigid summer current, roamed the beach, soaked the sun and attempted to clean out my proverbial closet and untangle my brain ...t'was good.
The winds were kicking up at a fair pace most of the time, too ...which allowed me to finally try flying the stunt kite I found forgotten when we moved in here. It has a fairly short wingspan, making for one squirelly little fucker of a kite ...but much more fun than a single stringer. I saw some cats out there who really knew how to fly theirs ...really quite amazing to watch.
Country Fair this weekend!! Woo Hoo!! ...what can I say? I like flying my freak flag.
Still, getting away from one's routine can offer a fair slice of perspective on one's life; as brutal or as enlightening as it may or may not be ...I'm not ready to ramble along on which case applies to me quite yet. Suffice to say, it was needed.
I also did get a day away to myself, torched a spliff, swam in the invigoratingly frigid summer current, roamed the beach, soaked the sun and attempted to clean out my proverbial closet and untangle my brain ...t'was good.
The winds were kicking up at a fair pace most of the time, too ...which allowed me to finally try flying the stunt kite I found forgotten when we moved in here. It has a fairly short wingspan, making for one squirelly little fucker of a kite ...but much more fun than a single stringer. I saw some cats out there who really knew how to fly theirs ...really quite amazing to watch.
Country Fair this weekend!! Woo Hoo!! ...what can I say? I like flying my freak flag.
more like 2 but that's enough, believe me.
yeah- a fucking vacation, that's what i need!
of course- when the moment comes and the opportunity arises, it suddenly seems a bad idea to spend money, not work and to be away from where the action is. i always think i would go crazy.
then again- crazier then i am? that would be a fucking challange!
tom- you're one of the few old schoolers left in my friend's list...!
almost all the characters in my story are gone! i don't know- i need to think about it.
country fair? do you get to dress mid-evil? i dig those things- even without the costumes. i call bullshit on all those who are to 'hip' for that- you can find some of their postings on the boards- in fact, i call bullshit on anyone who is too hip for anything!!!
ok- that's it for now.
I love the beach. I can't concieve of pacific northwest beaches, but it sounds awesome nonetheless. And hooray for kites! I'm amazed by them, they're just so beautiful. I feel the same way about hot air balloons.
Have a good week. I'm suffering a bit from the burn-out, does that ever happen to you?