well, the 100-mile diet originated in BC. everyone here is really conscious of local food. actually, sometimes conscious of local to the detriment of other concerns. it's kind of weird. like, 100% local veal. even plenty of meat eaters find veal cruel and unusual.
you don't want to get mixed up with a guy like me...
on a totally unrelated note, i'm turning 28 this week and it's making me fucking manic and crazy. i don't want to keep getting older what the fuck life?!
so every president's day at titmouse they ask their animators to make a 5 second animation of whatever they want. i happened to be out of town doing awesome things so i missed out! but to not totally cop out i made this the night before it was due for the little screening we'll have for the studio tomorrow...that said please enjoy the wicked short:... Read More