i just logged in to show this to prussia and she's not even on here anymore!

what's this site coming to when i can't even talk about south american graphic designers and cartoons with anyone anymore?
i feel like my time here is coming to a close.
by now you probably know where to find me on other websites.
my site/work: smomotion.com
mindless babble: twitter.com/tommyrocket
book of faces: facebook.com/TomSmo
[i only facebook people i know or if you want to be internet friends please write me first]
thanks dudes and dudettes, it's been good times!

what's this site coming to when i can't even talk about south american graphic designers and cartoons with anyone anymore?
i feel like my time here is coming to a close.
by now you probably know where to find me on other websites.
my site/work: smomotion.com
mindless babble: twitter.com/tommyrocket
book of faces: facebook.com/TomSmo
[i only facebook people i know or if you want to be internet friends please write me first]
thanks dudes and dudettes, it's been good times!

fair well old internet friend