Danny Antonuccis 4 Cs to Great Cartoons
1. CREATE (new territories through art not technology)
2. CONTRIBUTE (to the art form, not rape it for cash!)
3. CHALLENGE (everything currently being done)
4. CHANGE (dont redo, copy, or repeat)
If you cant adhere to any of these 4 Cs, get the fuck out of animation
from cartoon brew earlier today.
people are outside eating a lot of meat today and not working. i'm inside working and not eating meat.
if you're eating meat today i hope you hunted and killed it yourself then gave thanks to the earth and the beast for offering itself to your sustenance!
otherwise; please reflect on the grandiose design of existence and how far you're [read: we all are] separated from that which has been afforded to you in this culture of convenience and capitalism in which we are forced to exist.
enjoy your day away from tiol and do that which brings you joy. look outside of the confines of economics and social stratification to where you find inner solitude.
also keep in mind that i just wrote that after posting an animation of a butcher cutting off his limbs and cussing.