so this is something you may not have heard of: the real id.
immigration's an issue right? that's how my family got here 2 generations ago, it MUST be in america is an immigrant...
so to stop this problem, our fearless leader decided he's going to make you carry an id at ALL TIMES. you get carded at the border to pennsylvania on a roadtrip...sound fun? yeah state to state border patrol. wait till they put an rfid chip in it so they can monitor where you are and what you're buying. not lying, they've been talking about it.
reason you haven't heard about it? because the senate knows you don't want to live in a police state so they're voting about it behind your back and telling you later.
but it's NOT TOO LATE...yet. you can still fax your senator and tell them you disagree with the id, but there's only ONE DAY LEFT!!!
please go to and read the information they have there.
also if you'd like more information on the climate surrounding the card please check out the movies: america: freedom to fascism and the power of nightmares [bbc]
i generally don't get too politica on the internet but this is pretty important to me...and should be to anyone who lives in the US!
anyone have any leads on decent countries to run away to if need be? geez!
so this is something you may not have heard of: the real id.
immigration's an issue right? that's how my family got here 2 generations ago, it MUST be in america is an immigrant...
so to stop this problem, our fearless leader decided he's going to make you carry an id at ALL TIMES. you get carded at the border to pennsylvania on a roadtrip...sound fun? yeah state to state border patrol. wait till they put an rfid chip in it so they can monitor where you are and what you're buying. not lying, they've been talking about it.
reason you haven't heard about it? because the senate knows you don't want to live in a police state so they're voting about it behind your back and telling you later.
but it's NOT TOO LATE...yet. you can still fax your senator and tell them you disagree with the id, but there's only ONE DAY LEFT!!!
please go to and read the information they have there.
also if you'd like more information on the climate surrounding the card please check out the movies: america: freedom to fascism and the power of nightmares [bbc]
i generally don't get too politica on the internet but this is pretty important to me...and should be to anyone who lives in the US!
anyone have any leads on decent countries to run away to if need be? geez!
"even in situations; love or otherwise, where it's unrequited, i tend to remain hopelessly devoted and giving to the people i care about. i get stepped on a lot i suppose because of it, but in the end i feel more full knowing i've aided someone else."
both of these things are true for me as well... i think you and i are perhaps very similar in the way that we relate to other people.