Long day at work. Now I'm sitting here and trying to kick back enough beers to get drowsy enough to go to sleep and do it again tomorrow.

I need a new job. In all honesty as far as shitty retail jobs go, I'm fairly happy with this one. Low stress...I like my coworkers, I even like the work mostly (as far as jobs...
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Geeeez, It's been forever since I updated this thing. I'm no good at keeping journals. Things are going pretty well for me. Simple, direct, productive. My life revolves around my weekly band practices. Interspersed in between them I work, eat, sleep, and write new material. The new drummer's picking up our stuff really quickly. We're pretty much ready to start playing again. Need to work...
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I notice you live in Long Beach too. smile What kind of music does your band play?
Not bad.. listened to a bit of a few of the mp3s. You guys play anywhere local?

Sounds like old Bad Religion.. and I like old Bad Religion. biggrin

[Edited on Apr 05, 2004 2:10AM]
Holy Crap The World Is On Fire!
So I'm sure that most everybody knows by now about all the wild fires burning throughout Southern California. I woke up this morning to discover that my apartment smells like a campfire. I looked outside and everything is covered in ash. Kinda' weird...kinda' creepy...and maybe I'm just being a hypochondriac or something but I think my lungs hurt...
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That sucks... Hey, how would you compare Howard Zinn to Chomsky?
hey READNOAMCHOMSKY. Sorry it took so long to respond. How would I compare Chomsky to Zinn? They're very similar. Chomsky's a lot more dry. Lots of facts, numbers, and dates. Zinn seems to be more concerned with telling the human, personal side of the story within a historical context.
It's been a while since I've updated this thing. I've been busy as Hell as of late. Anyway, I just moved to Long Beach. Hooray! Finally out of that shit hole that is Colorado Springs. Anyway, hopefully after finding a job and getting the financial situation a little bit more stable, the band can get back to work on being active again. We need to...
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Welcome to the Big LB!
ya gotta get out to some events with us!
hey...hope i see you on aim soon...

wanna know how youve been

Whoo-hoo. So, yeah...it's been a little while since I've updated this. Been busy as of late. Licking my wounds, visiting some friends and family. I went back home to Shreveport, LA to attend a friend's wedding. That town has gotten even worse since I left it about two years ago. Anyway, it was good to see some friendly faces.
I also visited my father in...
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Hey my 15 year old self gave me cheesy jail style tattoos on my ankle too. Unfortunantly it had the name of an ex-girlfriend in it... so it has since been covered up.
You have got good taste in books and music.
Every significant ex-girlfriend I have ever had decided to haunt me in my sleep last night. Morning didn't come qucikly enough.

[Edited on Aug 09, 2003]
That does sound scary. shocked
Well, here I am back in Colorado Springs. I had almost forgotten how crappy this town is. However, where I live isn't so much important to me. What is important is having family and/or friends nearby and having the oppotunities to persue what I want to do. Hopefully when the band moves to california I can fulfill the second requirement. Until then, it's just nice...
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I was so taken by your entry that I decided to go back and read the back story.Jeez! sometimes life seriously throws some fucked up curve balls that end up hitting you in the face when you least expect it.
you've invoked my inner compassion. I didn't realize it
was still there....I don't know very many people who I can give it to but you make me want to give it to you. (that sounded sexual but it wasn't meant that way.lol)
I've gotten my heart ripped out before. It was the most depressed and helpless I've ever felt.

Well, I hope you'll be rockin out and having a good time with the boys, especially if it makes you feel better! biggrin

take care
no prob smile


Where to begin? Things are not good right now. after being engaged for about five years I am now spending my third night alone as a single man again. Soon I will be leaving Portland to return to Colorado Springs.

For those of you who need some back story (like anyone is reading this anyway), I moved to Portland about two months...
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Oh, I'm so sorry.
I hope your days continue to hurt less and less, and that things get better.
Whoa.. Looks like I missed a lot. Sorry I haven't been online.. I've been kinda busy and dealing with some bullshit..
I really wish that I had been online for you to talk too. I'm so sorry that this has happened. I'm too paranoid to post my cell number here, but I'll try and be online sometime tonight.. and maybe I'll catch you. And in the next couple of days if you need someone to talk too.. you can call me and just rant. Hey.. I'm local?
Well.. good luck. And trust me.. in the long run this will be better. I've been there.
Take care.