Yay! Another day of drudgery, monotony, and crappy music. Anyway, Im off work now and Sarah and I are going to go visit our newly acquired couple friends tonight. All couples need to have couple friends. Its just one of those rules. And Brianne and Matt are our first couple friends in Portland.
Lets see, Music Retail Thought of the Day
Who decided Avril Lavigne and Coldplay were important enough to have tribute albums? I always thought that tribute albums were reserved for bands/artists who have been around forever and in some way or other changed the course of music history (for better or worse). Aerosmith, Rolling Stones, Kiss, Bob Dylanthese guys make the cut. But what has Avril or Coldplay really accomplished in the grand scheme of things? Anyway
Last night I had dinner with Guster. Ooooooh touch me. Actually, until last night I had no idea who the fuck Guster was. But they put on a free show in Portland yesterday and because I am a local music retail employee, I had the fortune of being able to eat expensive, overpriced seafood with Guster. The best part: FREE! So I got drunk and ate expensive food and Warner/Electra got to foot the bill. However, I still have yet to hear a single Guster song.
I have been maintaining a correspondence as of late with my Grandmother. Shes been a classical and jazz musician all of her life and is interested in learning about rock music. So I gave her a brief history lesson in rock from Elvis, to the Beatles, to Hendrix, to Led Zepplin, to Kiss, to The Ramones, to Metallica, to Minor Threat, to Guns N Roses, to Nirvanaetc. and suggested that most of this stuff isnt going to be her cup of tea but she should probably check out Bob Dylan, The Beatles, and Simon and Garfunkelat least as a starting place. Shes a cool lady and when it comes to music theory and composition, she really knows her shit.
Anywaya dull entry, but not much is going on here.
Lets see, Music Retail Thought of the Day
Who decided Avril Lavigne and Coldplay were important enough to have tribute albums? I always thought that tribute albums were reserved for bands/artists who have been around forever and in some way or other changed the course of music history (for better or worse). Aerosmith, Rolling Stones, Kiss, Bob Dylanthese guys make the cut. But what has Avril or Coldplay really accomplished in the grand scheme of things? Anyway
Last night I had dinner with Guster. Ooooooh touch me. Actually, until last night I had no idea who the fuck Guster was. But they put on a free show in Portland yesterday and because I am a local music retail employee, I had the fortune of being able to eat expensive, overpriced seafood with Guster. The best part: FREE! So I got drunk and ate expensive food and Warner/Electra got to foot the bill. However, I still have yet to hear a single Guster song.
I have been maintaining a correspondence as of late with my Grandmother. Shes been a classical and jazz musician all of her life and is interested in learning about rock music. So I gave her a brief history lesson in rock from Elvis, to the Beatles, to Hendrix, to Led Zepplin, to Kiss, to The Ramones, to Metallica, to Minor Threat, to Guns N Roses, to Nirvanaetc. and suggested that most of this stuff isnt going to be her cup of tea but she should probably check out Bob Dylan, The Beatles, and Simon and Garfunkelat least as a starting place. Shes a cool lady and when it comes to music theory and composition, she really knows her shit.
Anywaya dull entry, but not much is going on here.
Yah, nice desktop of fractal! Shit I can't not say I also love your profilr pick! That's one terrorist that I can't stand. Let's get rid of his weapons of mass distraction! I'de like to be another of your pdx "couples friends" I'm just missing the plural part.
Hey...3 SGs on one journal page. Yeah, that's right. Who's the stud?