
A group dedicated to self-portraiture. Mostly selfies and amateur photos. This is not a sex group so no explicit nudity please. No Spam No Links! If you have any questions please contact group owner/moderator @nonamenumberfive

voyeurs and exhibitionists

For those who like to watch, show off, or a bit of both. This is a closed group, access is on an approved basis using the following criteria: Don't be a creep. To join this group you must be an active member of the site, meaning you post comments on …

sex talk

Talk about sex, relationships, love, and everything related. Please remember to be respectful.

anal sex

A group for anal sex enthusiasts. Discuss techniques, experiences and advice for safer anal sex. Anal virgins welcome :) Current group mod -Agy (July 2016)


The place to talk about meeting in real life: local events and gatherings. Also a great place to find your true love or your new best friend, discuss your favorite members or just say hello or goodbye to everyone on the site.

fan art

Show us what you've got! Fan art of the beautiful SGs! *** PLEASE NOTE *** This group is NOT for general art. It's specifically fan art of the SuicideGirls. There is a group called "Artists" for that kinda stuff. Thanks. Also - please do not ask to be drawn - …


A place for drunks to make new drinking friends and limit our senseless babbling to one group, or a place for us to get drunk together then screw up all the other boards en masse. Drunks always need to meet new drinking friends cuz we repeat ourselves a lot and …


Vaping is a new activity for people who are aspiring to quit smoking, looking for nicotine alternatives, and/or continuing their life without cigarettes. People will be able to share their favorite vape mods, locations, juices, etc. Members will also be able to share their thoughts and views on vaping. Because …