Blah Blah Blah. That just about sums up how my day has been so far. Last night had a slow start to it, but had legs. Christian and I probably didn't get out of our respective houses until almost 11pm...and even then we ended up driving around for another 40 minutes or so. It's okay though, cause we made up for it when we got to Nikki's. Can anyone say drinking Rock/Paper/Scissors? Ya, i know, we're some drunk losers, but whatever. I have to say...the highlight of my of Nikki's kittens was chillin on my lap for most of the night while we were playing cards and i was perfectly content with scratching and petting him all night. I love much more than dogs.
I miss my furry orange friend...
RIP Toby Kitty
I miss my furry orange friend...