So it's been 2 days short of 6 weeks since i broke my finger and the fucking thing still doesn't want to bend more than a few degrees. The general swelling has gone down but the knuckle closest to the break is still very swollen. I'm concerned about permanent movement loss and/or pain. I took the brace off earlier this week in hopes that i...
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i broke my finger playing paintball on saturday. bummer.
So we had a spontaneous dinner party tonight. My mom made some lasagna and invited the neighbors upstairs, Mark and Jessica, down. My brother and his girlfriend Jenna randomly decided to show up so we set up the good table and all that and had a great time eating and telling stories. People were in stitches many times and i had to walk away once...
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So i guess it's been damn close to 3 years since i posted anything here
. el oh el at my last post being about me just taking the Outback test. It seems like i've been there forever now. I've recently made some positive changes in my life. Specifically, i've attempted to remove myself from my two worst addictions....Marijuana and World of Warcraft. Day 13...
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well, i took the menu test at outback today. i had to memorize the ENTIRE freaking menu and their descriptions. I went in there with probably about half of the menu in memory and the other half being total unkown to me. needed a 90% to pass.....ouch.
funny story....before the class began i was shootin the shit with a crowd of people i figured was...
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funny story....before the class began i was shootin the shit with a crowd of people i figured was...
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haha did you get her number??? huh? huh?
if i ever come to your neck of the woods i'd better get some fucking "aussie cheese fries" for free! hehe
if i ever come to your neck of the woods i'd better get some fucking "aussie cheese fries" for free! hehe

why do people have to be so negative? it really brings me down when i'm trying to have a good time.
yup, i give up on ashley. called her today and got to her message. 30 seconds later she sends a text, "i'm at dinner, what's up?" so i reply asking what she's up to tonight. 2 minutes later i get another text from her "that text you sent was messed up, what did you say?" so i sent another one. Never got a reply after...
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I'm sorry for all these huge posts, but i'm just on a roll. It's ironic that i write this warning to you, because i'm pretty sure nobody ever reads these anyways, let alone consistently. Pshhhh...oh well.
my foot is freezing right now...i can't really feel it. It's a good thing though because it's about twice it's original size and blue. Yup, I hurt myself again....
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my foot is freezing right now...i can't really feel it. It's a good thing though because it's about twice it's original size and blue. Yup, I hurt myself again....
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dude you should write a book
try letting it load in a new window and then come back to it and hit play again.
i'm a slow connection so that's what i have to do.
i'm a slow connection so that's what i have to do.
So ya....i figured i'd write this all down as sort of a "therapy" for my crippling apprehension when it comes to women. I'm not doing this on order from a doctor or anything, this is just something i figured would help.
Act I: The Ellington Saga
Back in 7th grade, or 1997 for those of you who don't know, i met a girl named Allison...
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Act I: The Ellington Saga
Back in 7th grade, or 1997 for those of you who don't know, i met a girl named Allison...
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am opinionated.
am sarcastically mean.
am impatient.
am abrasive in my honesty.
don't take shit from anyone.
say what i think first, then think about what i said second.
get angry at things people shouldn't get angry about.
take things to far.
am selfish.
manipulate people to appease said selfishness.
take things too seriously.
don't take things seriously enough.
am horribly hypocritical.
can and...
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am opinionated.
am sarcastically mean.
am impatient.
am abrasive in my honesty.
don't take shit from anyone.
say what i think first, then think about what i said second.
get angry at things people shouldn't get angry about.
take things to far.
am selfish.
manipulate people to appease said selfishness.
take things too seriously.
don't take things seriously enough.
am horribly hypocritical.
can and...
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Ellington? I grew up in Tolland. My parents now live in Manchester and my brother lives in South Windsor. I sold out and moved to Cleveland.