So at random today, I get a call from somebody I barely know, the guy is in bad need of help for some good old fashioned labor to help him move all of his shit into an apartment, because him and his wife are spliting up. No problem whatever, I spend about 7 hours moving some heavy shit because we call it quits. This guys...
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Wow! pretty crazy
June 4th, Iraq is a step behind me, Afganistan looms ahead. Buried the father, and somehow, everything is still ok.
such a cutie! where were you stationed at?
It still never ceases to amaze me how inept the army seems to be, my family sent a messege out through the Red Cross that my grandfather, who should have rightfully held the title of father, for all that worthless sperm-donor was worth, was in critial condition. Its a one way ticket out of Iraq, just a really shitty one.
Last night in Iraq hopefully. Come on jesus, if your up there, dont fail me now.
Just in time to see me off, last rocket attack of this shitty adventure.
Anyplace that idolizes the ladies and vixens of ink, piercings, dark fantasy, punk, and whatever else I may be forgetting.