Well.......i passed MCI class today...So ill get to start buggin all yinz to switch your long distance on monday!!! if i call you dont hang up, just set the phone next to the radio and give me a lil break from all the irate soccor moms, and hung over californian 's, and i promise ill take you off the list ! o btw happy income tax day!!!
More Blogs
Monday Jun 21, 2004
Dear God, Hope you got the letter, And I pray you can make it bett… -
Monday May 31, 2004
In the world I see -- you're stalking elk through the damp canyon for… -
Wednesday May 26, 2004
Started on a summer Sunday the pink dress on the setting sun You wer… -
Wednesday May 19, 2004
To see a thing uncolored by ones personal prefrences and desires,… -
Wednesday May 12, 2004
i drove today yippe, i drove the van at work, cant wait to ta… -
Saturday May 08, 2004
notin special today, just jarred my neck first thing in the morn at w… -
Wednesday Apr 28, 2004
just had a happy healty bouncing baby boy, 4-27-04, 7 lbs 8 oz, 20 in… -
Tuesday Apr 20, 2004
HAPPY 420 every one well my babyis due today and hasnt come yet *sti… -
Monday Apr 19, 2004
three dead gophers all named harvy sittin round drinking all at a …