I’m going to take this one in a little different direction. I wanted to share this photo because it stood out to me when it was taken & a bonus is I found out some fun updates recently!
(I do not own the photo sharing, it just circulated the internet quite a bit the last couple years.)
Saffiyah Khan is an activist whose photo circulated during a Birmingham protest in 2017. She is seen calmly staring down at an angry far-right group member. She appears to be calmly towering over him, which makes the stare down even more epic. Something about woman of color smiling at an angry r*cist just gives me chills. It just shows how she isn’t allowing his hatred have any power over her. She’s not scared, not intimidated, nothing.
A fun update on Khan though is that she has now signed a contract with one of the biggest talent agencies in the world! She became a MODEL yall. She’s worked on the runway & was a part of a BBC film. Her success just makes the whole story better in my opinion.
I may have a personal photo fav to this question, but as an overall favorite photo, this is it!
@penny @missy