Two more weeks 'till complete freedom!!!! It is so close but yet soooo far.
Thanksgiving break was sooooooo nice. I pretty much just chilled with likeclockwork the whole time. I got work off and obviously didn't have school. It was the perfect mix of relaxing and drinking way too much.
Black Wednesday at the local small town bar was perfect. It was packed. Not annoyed packed like the shitty bars in San Diego. It was packed with old friends and famailiar faces. The perfect mix for a social situation. The following nights consisted of similar situations to a much smaller degree.
Today I bought my plane ticket to Colorado. I will be out there Jan 13th, to the 19th. Kind of a meaty little vacation. I can't wait. It feels so good to have gotten the ticket though. It definitely seals the deal. Now all I need is a giant bottle of pain killers and likeclockwork and I will be all set! FUCK I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!
For now, I will be studying and feeling like a dipshit every moment that I am not studying. That makes for a pretty miserable fortnight. I'm sure I'll survive though.
Speaking of which, it's time for me to venture to my horribly long night class.
Thanksgiving break was sooooooo nice. I pretty much just chilled with likeclockwork the whole time. I got work off and obviously didn't have school. It was the perfect mix of relaxing and drinking way too much.
Black Wednesday at the local small town bar was perfect. It was packed. Not annoyed packed like the shitty bars in San Diego. It was packed with old friends and famailiar faces. The perfect mix for a social situation. The following nights consisted of similar situations to a much smaller degree.
Today I bought my plane ticket to Colorado. I will be out there Jan 13th, to the 19th. Kind of a meaty little vacation. I can't wait. It feels so good to have gotten the ticket though. It definitely seals the deal. Now all I need is a giant bottle of pain killers and likeclockwork and I will be all set! FUCK I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!
For now, I will be studying and feeling like a dipshit every moment that I am not studying. That makes for a pretty miserable fortnight. I'm sure I'll survive though.
Speaking of which, it's time for me to venture to my horribly long night class.

will you be here a whole fortnight? because i've been known to eat a bottle of vicodin in a fortnight. you better bring two bottles.

And while youre bringing two bottles, bring old tayshawn, too. Seriously dude.