CCSF might be one of the most painful places to be in the whole entire world. Five days till fucking break. Five days till I get to pick up likeclockwork and BabyBeezer from the goddamn airport. I can't fucking wait. Out of those five days, I only have two days of school. Unfortunately I have midterms on both of the days. Oh well. I'd rather just get them out of the way! ....................... fucking CCSF.
ps. I've decided to not shave my beard till 2005. It's GRIZZLY mothafuckas.
ps. I've decided to not shave my beard till 2005. It's GRIZZLY mothafuckas.

yes. that rules. party in your car.

i hope your not bringing that busted toyota pickup to get us. i have waayy too big of hips to sit in that cab. psyche. but don't bring it anyway.