Holy fucking jesus christ........... So as you might already know, I saw Sound Tribe Sector 9 on saturday night. WOW. I really don't even know where to begin or what to even say for that matter. This band absolutely knocked me off my feet. This was their second of three nights playing at the Fillmore. I have never seen so many people connected and controlled by music. There really is nothing I can say that would justify the time that I had. Just trust me. Calling saturday night a concert would be insulting to STS9 and to the whole entire community that was involved with the show . (aka the "crowd") I am sure that everyone in the Fillmore that night came out a slightly different person. I did. If you ever get the chance to see this band, I beg of you not to pass up the oppertunity. Oh and by the way, just to make the show twice as cool, unannounced Telefon Tel Aviv was there as special guest. THEY ABSOLUTELY SLAUGHTERED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, I didn't go out on Halloween night, which was actually quite alright with me. I worked all day and I just physically couldn't go out. TheAbiYoYo tried to persuade me, but it was too late. By the time his persuasive message was recieved, It was already monday morning. It sounded like it would've been an absolute blast if I did go out. It's all good though. I got some much needed sleep instead.
I hope y'all had great weekends. Drop epicroots a line. He got beaten up twice this weekend, without even getting beaten up. Fool.
Unfortunately, I didn't go out on Halloween night, which was actually quite alright with me. I worked all day and I just physically couldn't go out. TheAbiYoYo tried to persuade me, but it was too late. By the time his persuasive message was recieved, It was already monday morning. It sounded like it would've been an absolute blast if I did go out. It's all good though. I got some much needed sleep instead.
I hope y'all had great weekends. Drop epicroots a line. He got beaten up twice this weekend, without even getting beaten up. Fool.
i think someone needs to admit they got punked.
sweatchy sweatchy sweatchy