I am growing a moustache this year for Movember. I have decided to put down my razor for one month (November) and help raise awareness and funds for men's health, specifically prostate cancer and depression in men.
What many people do not appreciate is that close to 3,000 men die of prostate cancer each year in Australia and one in eight men will experience...
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My god shouldn't people have to take an IQ test to get a drivers license? Driving a lot as I do, here's some of my top road rage inspiring driving peeves (and apologies for the language - not that I should need that here)...

* If you, or your car, are incapable of getting close to the speed limit on the freeway... then GET THE...
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Continuing our Europe summary...

After everyone sobered up from Amsterdam we headed south to Germany, passing through Cologne and then down to the Rhine valley for a river cruise. Gotta say this is one of many times where I declared it to be 'most beautiful countryside ever' - but it was amazing, the whole river is dotted with medieval villages in the traditional German style...
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Fantastic PHOTOS...love them. Was debating Europe in Dec you just made up my mind ! BTW- That was some clock wink
Well we're back from Europe and didn't die in a air disaster nor did our tour coach roll off a cliff so it's all good!

I didn't get the chance to update while there - internet access where we stayed was ridiculously expensive - so here's our belated tour journal which will probably take a few entries to get though!

We started in London then...
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Taking stupid and/or ridiculous picture with "celebrities" is what wax museums were made for! Hahah smile
Looks like you had a good time.
8 more days and I'm on a plane to London - woot! We're heading on a tour from there and will be running around Europe for 4 weeks visiting pretty much everywhere famous.

Having never been out of Australia before - save to Bali (but that might-as-well be an island of WA!) - I've facing a a mixture of excitement and trepidation... actually more trepidation...
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So where are the trip updates??
13 countries in 22 days - getting to the internets was a bit of a challenge! I'll have to the post trip round-up posted soon
So - ran the whole 24 hour comic challenge thing on the weekend and I'm still fucked!

Doesn't help that work is being a complete shit and draining away my will to acheive. Got 4 pages of my comic done (admittedly it was a little ambitious attempting to do the whole thing in colour pencils!) but just couldn't get a good clean run at it....
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Thank you smile
Thanks for the comment on my set The Assistant. I really appreciate it. The support means a lot to me.
Back again - the Facebook group got me biggrin

Gonna take a while to catch up methinks! Life's been busy so the art stuff has had a break but time to get back into it.

Hmm shouldn't be on here at work but luckily I'm the one monitoring web access...

So.... anyway no doubt you're all here to look at the pretty ladies - hell that's why I'm here - but just in case you accidently stumble on my profile here's a bit about me...

Well if career defines you then I guess I'm a computer person. For the non-geek no point explaingin beyond that - but for those in the know I'm a Network...
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