ohh last nite was some what of a blur for my friends and i. and if any of u cats missed the show last nite, well then SUX 4 U... so made out with an SG yuppers. my friends left a bit early. they didnt get to see all of the show. i stuck around for a while though and continued to get my drink on with the crew of bb. thanx for the free drinks u fabulous people u, for takin care of me on weds and last nite. i had soo much jagar oi. i also called in to work. just couldnt make it. or i would have jacked up some hair at work. hehe so im still sick. i finally at something today. i can still smell the food, its making me nauseated
still havent slept but a couple of hours either. but well worth it. i hadnt been that crunked scence i passed my state boards and celebrated by seeing peaches at bb. that was a fun nite too. well jen poopy is laying on the couch and im gonna sneak up and snuggle with the fartknocker. mwah* ciao
That was you.