I lived through two major earthquakes in Los Angeles that caused major damage. This recent one was small in comparison to the other two, but it is turning out to be one for the record books. We just had 3 tremors in the matter of one minute. I have never experienced anything like this. The tally for the day is 4 shocks, the first one...
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stay safe!
@ameline I will!!!  I just hope something like what happened in Chile doesn't happen.

Driving home from work I see blue explosions over the night sky. It looked like a huge electrical storm with no clouds and then my car started shaking violently like I had a flat tires. It turned out to be a 5.1 earthquake less than a mile for me. Luckily no one was hurt and just a bunch of rattled nerves.


If this is what spring is going to be like I can only imagine how bad summer is going to be.

Please some of the warm my way.  Thank you very much!! 😎

I don't feel like working today. Maybe my boss will not notice I am being lazy. This is my bored face. I'm also too lazy to rotate the picture so here is to hump day.

My advice would be act busy bro! haha always work now its all down to your acting skills haha

I was feeling super bored today. It is my day off and I went to the gym this morning, went back to bed and am procrastinating on doing two homework assignments worth 4% of my grade. I have 100% of the total points up until this week so if I skip the assignments I will end the course with a 96%. To be lazy or...
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Okay......In high school I got suspended for sale and distribution of pornographic materials. I was only a freshman and when I got caught I knew my best defense was to start crying and say I found a stack of magazines in the school cafeteria and people started asking me to buy them so I sold them. The true story is that a senior that I...
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So last year I joined SG and had a lot of fun and met a few friends. About a week later I met a girl, dated her and was left heart broken. She did not like me being on here so I stopped logging on and when she left me I forgot about the fun I had here talking to people. So here is my...
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Wow I did this new thing today called restarting college after a 5 year break. Classes are blowing my mind but I feel so much better about myself and things can only get better from here!!!!smile
exactly! he just has to figure out how to bounce back smile And speaking of college classes.....i need to start that up again. lol. its been too many years since my last class
So here it goes. I have been reading through a lot of blogs and noticed how diverse this place is. I also noticed how similar everyone is which makes me feel welcomed and like I found a place where I can mesh in perfect. Someone asked me why am I here if I do not have ink....do I not like it? To be honest I...
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you will love SG im sure! smile