Okay......In high school I got suspended for sale and distribution of pornographic materials. I was only a freshman and when I got caught I knew my best defense was to start crying and say I found a stack of magazines in the school cafeteria and people started asking me to buy them so I sold them. The true story is that a senior that I was good friends with in the marching band was buying the magazines and videos, and I would sell them to the younger people I knew. I even had a few teachers on my list of people to sell to. I knew what people liked and had a good operation going. I got caught because one person was stupid enough to read one during class and ratted me out. When I got caught I took the full blame and refused to take anyone out with me. I stuck to my story and the teachers who I supplied to came to my defense and stood infront of a disciplinary board to say I was a great kid who made a mistake with the aid or peer pressure. My porn sales turned into more sales after my suspension and I earned a lot of respect from everyone because I was not a rat. My confession is that I had a good porn empire going at the all boys school I went to. I never stopped after suspension, I just got better. To this day I have never admitted to anyone to my parents or some friends that I was a porn salesman. They think I made a stupid decision haha.
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