I'm still alive--it's been a long ass time since an update. I'm working waaaayyy too many hours and every fucking house I like gets sold out from under me, it sucks ass having a bunch of money to buy a house and not finding anything decent. My daughter turns fucking 16 next Saturday (I'm like really fucking old!) she's got a car so that's taken care of (a '97 Sebring). I'm obviously not attending the Weekend of Horrors in Chi-town this weekend--so my night will consist of watching UFC58 on ppv, and then I'm meeting my wife at the "gentleman's club" after she gets done working, so I always have some mind blowing sex after seeing some naked dancers with the wife (she gets mega turned on) so hopefully my weekend will turn out good. Enjoy....

Must be the type of facial hair.
I got a rad story about Wayne... It'll be in my next post!
(We out-head-banged eachother at one of his gigs! :love
I'm going to their cabin this Friday out in the middle of nowhere, it's gonna be so rad!