- on yuko's page
- on littlecalypso's photo
- on littlecalypso's photo
- on
- on lass's video
- on mel's video
Mrph. I've been frustrated ever since I was laid off on the 1st of the year. I'm one of those weird people who actually LIKES working on a regular basis! I supposedly had another job all lined up, but it looks like it's going to fall through. On a brighter note, I'm looking at buying a coffee shop! Now I just need to figure out...
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Things are starting to look up!
I've decided that if I really want to work on becoming an SG Staff Photographer, instead of waiting for models in my local area (Iowa? really?) to look for someone, I need to do some traveling. With that in mind, I'm going to take a trip to a place that I've never been and always wanted to go -...
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I've decided that if I really want to work on becoming an SG Staff Photographer, instead of waiting for models in my local area (Iowa? really?) to look for someone, I need to do some traveling. With that in mind, I'm going to take a trip to a place that I've never been and always wanted to go -...
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Happy Birthday 

i got the raise on my 3rd day at the job...before i got the keys...i'm just that good 

Well, after a lot of urging & pestering from friends, I've decided to submit a few photos to the Iowa State Fair Photography Salon. It's basically a photo competition that is displayed at the fair. I'm a little nervous, but hopeful at the same time. The guy who runs the whole gig said that 1 in 6 photos makes it to be judged, but he...
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I had an interesting shoot last night. A very good friend of mine's dog was very sick, and she was going to have to put him down. I offered to swing by when I got off work and take some shots of them together as a kind of a "goodbye" and she jumped at the chance. I already knew everyone loved Logan (hell, I did...
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Sorry about that. I loved that dog as well, and I'm still a bit choked up about it.
What a sad story 

The time has come! I get to shoot my first set for submission to SG tomorrow, and I'm both nervous & excited! I've shot plenty of nude work, but never a set for sale. I'm just praying that I do justice to the amazing woman that I'm going to be working with - wish me luck! 

I can't wait to see the results I bet you'll do amazing!
Well, nuts. She backed out last minute. We still got together for a shoot (sundress & bikini), but she decided that nudes weren't for her. Ah well, we still had a lot of fun together, and plan on getting together again 

I shoot with a 7D, and thought that spending $15 on the remote and $15 on a mini-tripod was money well spent "protecting" my camera... 

I'm here to draw inspiration for my own photography; and if I am fortunate enough to work with even one of the ladies that is either currently on the website or I help get on the website - I think that would be the ultimate compliment to my skills!
Have a great weekend! 

Thanks for the love!