Thanks @helainked. I normally don't do these things, but here we go...
*Age: Over 10,000 years old. Even my Wing Chun martial arts Sifu had mentioned I'm an old soul on various occasions.
*Favorite pie: Pizza Pie. Everything from NY to Chicago, to Cali style to authentic Italia. One of my early jobs was working and managing a Pizzeria. I was already bartending even before I was legal to drink. We had band practice there after closing hours, skating out in the parking lot, playing craps against the walls, etc.
* Steak or seafood - Surf and Turf
* Pepsi or Coke - Coke
* Vanilla or Chocolate -Neapolitan
*How many tattoos - I'm a naked dolphin with scars (Edit, I take it back. I stabbed myself with a needle, filled it with ink to remind myself of the pain after a break up with an ex, and to never allow myself to feel that way again.)
*Ever hit a deer - Almost several times, I spend a lot of time in the outdoors
* Last text from - @honeyhotfoxy @siete
* Favorite season - Spring, Autumn and Winter
* Broken Bones - Nope, but plenty of damage done from skating and snowboarding
* Favorite Color - Black, White, Beige, Brown, Brass and Gold. My whole house is decorated in a Steampunk theme
* Mountains or Beaches- Both
* Dogs or cat- Both
* Early morning person - Early mornings for work, but sleep in like a baby when off
* Favorite Holiday -Imbolc, Belatane, Lughnasadh, Samhain and Saturnalia/Widwinter
* Favorite flower - Lavender, love how all the honey bees flock around in my garden to collect pollen
* Beer or wine- Beer and a fine whiskey
* Pancakes or waffle - Both
*Sign - Taurus (Venus shared with Libra and Moon shared with Cancer). Rising Sun in Virgo. Tau Oph, the dual star constellation, and the hidden 13th sign the church banned
@siete @honeyhotfoxy @thanatoz @chaneld @vithen @izzycky @lulumei @shenzy @ivydenali @olgakulaga @shameless @yessika