Moving out in a little over a week.
Can't fucking wait.
Mom hasn't talked to me in a week.
Last night was the first night of summer.
And how do we celebrate?
With a box of wine and a handful of mushrooms.
Drunken sloppy sex...
I've eaten way way to much today.
I think I am going to blow up.
I need to go to bed.
I feel ickypoo.
G'd night SG land.
Can't fucking wait.
Mom hasn't talked to me in a week.
Last night was the first night of summer.
And how do we celebrate?
With a box of wine and a handful of mushrooms.
Drunken sloppy sex...

I've eaten way way to much today.
I think I am going to blow up.
I need to go to bed.
I feel ickypoo.

G'd night SG land.
hey if you want the job come by today italked to the food service manager and he is all set to hire you. all you need to do is come by and fill out an application!
monday is fine come in before 2 so i can introduce you to the manager!