Holidays can never go as planned.
It was all well and what not, until the sis came home, drunk, and started with me after dinner. Not so much started with, more talk down too. But "she's grown up and I'm a child." That's why, after I said she was a child she sat in my room for 15 minutes and cried. CRIED!?
Then, after I left for work, she apparently went next down to our other house, and she fell in a divet and sprained her ankle. My mom, in classic mom, screaming - IT'S BROKEN IT'S BROKEN! Matt, in classic Matt, screaming it has to be amputated.
But I was at work, so I didn't see any of this. They brought her to my work, and didn't even visit. Which is probably a good thing, because everyone in the kitchen was through shit at eachother - magnets, pies, whatever... Girls vs. Boys food fight, and the girls lost horribly bad.
On a happy note - Clover you look beautiful. Hott some may say.
On a sad note - I went to call Rae last night to discover that my phone has been shut off. Oh, I am very, very sad.
Hmmm... I think that is it for this entry. I cannot think of anything else to say.
Except - I can't sleep anymore, and I beginning to get pissed off about it. I keep lieing in bed until around 3:30 - 4 in the am. *sigh* Shower, bank, eyebrow wax, gas, butts, possibly some danke bud. Mmmmm, danke bud.
Gotta go. Somewhat of a long entry, damn, damn...
It was all well and what not, until the sis came home, drunk, and started with me after dinner. Not so much started with, more talk down too. But "she's grown up and I'm a child." That's why, after I said she was a child she sat in my room for 15 minutes and cried. CRIED!?
Then, after I left for work, she apparently went next down to our other house, and she fell in a divet and sprained her ankle. My mom, in classic mom, screaming - IT'S BROKEN IT'S BROKEN! Matt, in classic Matt, screaming it has to be amputated.
But I was at work, so I didn't see any of this. They brought her to my work, and didn't even visit. Which is probably a good thing, because everyone in the kitchen was through shit at eachother - magnets, pies, whatever... Girls vs. Boys food fight, and the girls lost horribly bad.
On a happy note - Clover you look beautiful. Hott some may say.
On a sad note - I went to call Rae last night to discover that my phone has been shut off. Oh, I am very, very sad.
Hmmm... I think that is it for this entry. I cannot think of anything else to say.
Except - I can't sleep anymore, and I beginning to get pissed off about it. I keep lieing in bed until around 3:30 - 4 in the am. *sigh* Shower, bank, eyebrow wax, gas, butts, possibly some danke bud. Mmmmm, danke bud.
Gotta go. Somewhat of a long entry, damn, damn...
damn that sounds like you had a sucky turkey day, i fell a sleep before the drama happened at me house. as to the question yes i went to to sg show it was awsome the ladies were all amazing and i had an awsome time arguing with two guys over if x box is bad lol did you good?????
damn you missed an awsome time naked oil wrestling colin of arabia played then got kicked out after a fight lol and of course the pbr was flowing. you have to go next time it will be sick